Tolerance – Education – Responcibility – Respect – Act Vitality – Inclusion -Talent – Ability Erasmus Project
General information for the Tolerance – Education – Responcibility – Respect – Act Vitality – Inclusion -Talent – Ability Erasmus Project
Project Title
Tolerance – Education – Responcibility – Respect – Act Vitality – Inclusion -Talent – Ability
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Early School Leaving / combating failure in education; Disabilities – special needs; Environment and climate change
Project Summary
TERRA VITA – T – Tolerance ,E – Education , R – Responsibility , R – Respect , A – Act
V – Vitality , I – Inclusion , T – Talent , A – Ability – is a project that reflects the philosophy and attitude of teachers and school experts from all partner institutions. Through the project activities we were able to: To orient children to the knowledge and protection of inanimate nature (air, water, fire, earth, natural phenomena), to acquaint them with their properties and their role as a decisive factor for the existence of living nature; To keep children aware of the interest and the need to protect nature and to form a readiness for an environmentally friendly way of life; To encourage children to seek information about the different ways of recycling waste and to realize the need to make wise use of natural resources; To educate children in the spirit of European citizenship, to realize that caring for nature at home is a concern for nature throughout Europe; To motivate teachers to enrich the methodological approaches in realizing the goals of the project and to educate the children in environmentally friendly behavior; To encourage school leaders to strengthen capacity and develop a European dimension in school education; To involve the parent community with the project idea and goals in order to have a lasting effect after the completion of the specific project; To involve the representatives of public institutions for the implementation of the project activities and the promotion of the results; To improve the use of new communication and information technologies by educators and children.
Eight partner institutions are involved in the project – two kindergartens from Bulgaria; a kindergarten from Romania; a primary school in Poland, a primary school in Slovenia, a primary school in Spain; kindergarten for children with SEN from Greece and a school for children with SEN from Croatia.
In the first year of the project, activities with children were focused on learning about the elements of inanimate nature – fire, water, air, land and their role in human life, and the second year was devoted to the wildlife of each partner country – typical plants, animals, analysis of the relationship between the natural assets of each partner country and the holidays and traditions they have, the way of life and livelihood of people.
In addition to the activities for children and students, we also implemented six short-term teacher trainings aimed at enhancing the pedagogical and digital competencies of teachers in dealing with children with special needs as well as talented children.
С 1 – in Patras, Greece for learning and applying methods for working with children with SEN.
С 2 in Vukovar – Croatia for learning about and applying a specific methodology for working with children with autism and applying animal therapy for children with SEN.
С 3 – The training we conducted in Poland was oriented towards the use of waste materials to create ornaments and toys for children, as well as environmental education in partner countries’ educational programs.
С 5 – in Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia, we talked about the role of school guides in improving the educational environment.
С 6 – in Craiova, Romania, the focus of the discussions was national inclusive education policies – opportunities to support children with special needs and gifted children.
С 7 – During the last meeting in Bulgaria, in addition to the role of local authorities and non-governmental organizations in the processes of improving education, we also held the International Pedagogical Conference TERRA VITA, which was attended by 95 teachers, principals, school experts from eight European countries, university professors , local government representatives, non-governmental organizations, the HRDC.
Three international meetings were held – at the beginning of the project – to divide the roles and responsibilities of the participants and at the end of the first year – to report on the activities to date, to monitor the project and plan the activities in the second year and at the end of the project – to analyze and summarize project activities, benefits and impact on participants.
The aim of the project was to improve the pedagogical and digital competences of teachers from all partner institutions to improve the educational environment and make the learning more interesting, useful, accessible and educational for the children. The evaluation of the participants strongly confirms that through the project activities in all partner institutions the quality of the pedagogical activity has been achieved and a significant positive effect has been achieved not only on the direct participants in the project activities, but also on a wider range of stakeholders – parents, local community, other children, other educators.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 148070 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- CEIP Manuel Rodríguez Sinde
- Zespol Szkolno-Przedszkolny w Jasieniu
- Detska gradina N18 “Pchelitsa”
- JVIZ I. OS Rogaska Slatina
- Gradinita cu Program Prelungit “Traian Demetrescu”
- 1st Special Nursery School of Patras