Trans European Water Sustainability Erasmus Project

General information for the Trans European Water Sustainability Erasmus Project

Trans European Water Sustainability  Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Trans European Water Sustainability

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2018

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Inclusion – equity; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Civic engagement / responsible citizenship

Project Summary

Water is a vital resource for humanity and the world’s nature. We all have a shared responsibility for protecting our drinking water and the world’s oceans. In this project, we want to give the participants students an awareness that our water must not only be protected within the individual state; we need to consider water as a sustainable resource that needs to be protected through a global cooperation, within Europe and hopefully more widely.

Our project ‘Trans European Water Sustainability ‘ will focus on one of the 17 global goals for sustainable development envisaged by the world leaders in 2015: clean water and sanitation. This will be the starting point to promote civic competences and active participation in our students.
Besides, through the constant network built up among the partner schools, the project will develop an awareness of each other’s way of life, the appreciation of diversity and it will encourage students to discover different ways of finding solutions to the same problem. In addressing the main topic the project will concentrate on the analysis of water issues from multiple viewpoints: as a resource to preserve; a source for renewable energy; a platform for job opportunities; an element strongly affecting our countries/regions/local areas; the source of inspiration for legends, stories, sport, poems and music. The project will be fully integrated into the normal curriculum and will involve all students, in all phases of the project in order to raise their enthusiasm and their commitment to the whole process. 180 students from all the partner schools will participate in the mobilities, included students with Special Educational Needs. In both years, students will present the results of their inquiries to their European counterpart and will be encouraged to take action: to reduce water consumption and to help stop pollution of our water. Furthermore, one of the final long-term outcomes will be helping and African Community build a well
In the project, the whole school communities will be involved, including those students with Special Educational Needs, as well as teachers and staff from the six partner schools. Involvement of Local Government Representatives, NGOs, parents associations, Universities, Research Centres and local media will be fundamental for the enhancement of the project. Among the teaching activities, we will include measurements and comparison of water consumption across Europe, scientific guided analysis indoor and outdoor, experiments, where pupils will learn how to clean water, workshops dealing with the creations and innovative ideas in terms of keeping beaches and seas clean.

We will utilize a variety of methodologies such as role-play/task-based activities, peer tutoring, use of ICT, problem-solving, empirical studies, case studies, web conferences, direct experience of taking action with local authorities.
A website will be set up, the eTwinning platform will be utilized to upload and download materials, an e-magazine and a newsletter will be yearly produced, in order to widely disseminate and distribute the project outcomes within the communities.
Moreover, the expected results and impact d of this project is the development of key competencies in the involved pupils and teachers: academical, communicative and personal.

Thanks to direct contact with different people, countries and cultures students will enrich their social abilities and cultural knowledge which in the longer term will help them build up their own concept of European citizenship.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 180183 Eur

Project Coordinator

Magleby Fri- og Efterskole & Country: DK

Project Partners

  • Liceo Scientifico Statale “Alfred Nobel”
  • Bedriye ve Kadir Uysal Ortaokulu
  • ESRM
  • 5 General Lyceum Veroias
  • Riga Secondary School No. 25