Unique Notes of the Same Song Erasmus Project

General information for the Unique Notes of the Same Song Erasmus Project

Unique Notes of the Same Song Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Unique Notes of the Same Song

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2018

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Inclusion – equity; International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; Disabilities – special needs

Project Summary

Music has been known to affect people in many ways. It can have an impact on how we treat people. Music can even affect the type of people that we socialize with.It makes people of different cultures come together on the same feelings.
The partner schools from Germany, Turkey, Italy, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, cooperated to create the parts of the song and composed it with different instruments of each partner’s traditional music. Our aim was to familiarize people with the notions of other countries’ culture and taste of music.
Listening, perceiving, imitating, and creating are basic skills in both language and music. Our project targets were to integrate musical activities in foreign language education and develop a mutual understanding to support early foreign language learning. This learning approach can reduce language barriers and help social integration. It can also nurture self-confidence and self-expression and improve intercultural understanding. A strong emphasis has been placed on the fact that integrating music and foreign language learning is based on an understanding of integrated learning in all subjects.
Our students with fewer opportunuties and with educational difficulties, especially the ones with hard of hearing, tasted the real meaning of life thanks to the musical elements surrounding them, yet have disability in involving music in their life comparing to their peers.
Unfortunately, due to the corona pandemic we were not able to finish the project as planned. We had to cancel the last two mobilities in Romania and Germany.
The following objectives have been achieved:
• We increased the European and international dimension of education by advancing joint cooperation of the partners in the creation of the song. We prepared the storybook fort he musical that should be performed at the German mobility.
• The developement of knowledge and understanding among young people and educational staff of the diversity of European cultures and languages and its value via activities like introducing traditional music instruments.
• The polish partners designed an interactive website and a twinspace to spread the effect of the project to the world and to develop ICT skills.
• We integrated the cultures of the participating partners in the creation of the song via the use of different instruments of each participating country.
• We helped our students with disabilities to feel the melodic meaning of life, and to achieve success in their future life via offering an international experience of being involved in music.
• Each partner school supported their students in singing, playing musical instruments, dancing and acting talents of the students.
• We shared knowledge and exchange experiences about special needs children in cross-border meetings.
• We encouraged and motivated students and teachers in language education through mobilities and other activities.
Concrete Results:
• composing of an inclusive song (melody and verses)
• several video clips of the performances of the song during the mobilities.
• the storyboard of a musical theater play.
• a website
• a twinspace
• a logo (winner of a competition taken place in Turkey
• calenders
• a CD, containing the ten most unifying songs
• first-hand information of country and culture.
• PPTs
• Publilc relations (Interviews, TV, youtube, print-media)
• Information board
• multilingual dictionary
A transnational teachers only meeting has been held at the beginning of the project in Germany and a project management plan covering all management aspects, project timemable, deadlines, risk management, methodolog, evaluation, time management, budget management, dissemination plan, preparatory and staff changes arrangements, has been jointly created.
We have organised LTT meetings during which we will created the song, shoot video clips of it (website), introduced the traditional instruments to one another and transformed the song into a musical theatre play which should have been performed as the final product of he project during the last mobility in Germany.
The main methodology which has been used based on music, total physical response and ICT-based learning which is realistic and feasible in terms of the objectives.
We reached as many people as possible and provided the results to be benefitted by anyone directly or indirectly.
The inclusive dimension of the project bases on the participation of different cultures and student with different disabilities. This was a great experience for all participants.

All the participants, families and the school society in general
• got exposed to different cultures
• got familiar with different rhythms, songs, dances
• got the chance to get to know new instruments
• saw the open attitude towards European values concerned with culture and language learning
• used the products of this project like the song, the website, the calendar, the friendship etc.

This project created a cross-border partnership to put melodic bridges among different life styles via showing that we are unique notes of the same song. The project, of which results and impact could not have been achieved by a single educational Institution. It has been carried out as a part of school curricula and everyday teaching practice in each partner school. The dissemination tools of the project, the website and the twinspace will be updated even after the project is completed.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 126174,79 Eur

Project Coordinator

– Pfalzinstitut für Hören und Kommunikation – Augustin-Violet-Schule Frankenthal & Country: DE

Project Partners

  • Hüseyin Ak Ortaokulu
  • I.I.S.S. F.Ferrara Palermo
  • Powiatowy Zespol Szkol w Redzie
  • Osnovno uchilishte Maksim Gorki