Using Digital Technologies in School Projects Erasmus Project

General information for the Using Digital Technologies in School Projects Erasmus Project

Using Digital Technologies in School Projects Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Using Digital Technologies in School Projects

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; Environment and climate change; ICT – new technologies – digital competences

Project Summary

Two German, one Polish and one Estonian school in the field of vocational training are setting out to integrate modern digital media into everyday school life. The observation and improvement of the living conditions of insects in a local eco-region serves as a concrete starting point. Over a period of almost two years, modern digital media will be introduced and changes in the eco-region will be observed.
Modern tools for collaboration, project management and data processing will be introduced or their use will be deepened in the project schools which are participating. Pupils of the project schools as well as pupils of the local partner schools who attend different classes are taught how to use these media. Together with teachers from the partner schools, best-practice examples will be developed for all areas of their school activities (teaching, teacher-pupil communication, securing results, extra-curricular activities, etc.). The use itself will be evaluated.
With the help of external partners such as NABU (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) or environmental authorities, interesting insect populations and ecoregions are selected for observation. The populations or specific behaviour are then counted or recorded. The project schools plan and build the necessary technical aids themselves in project or regular lessons. They document the tools and help the local partner schools of year 3/4 or 9/10 using them. Thus there is not only a European project partnership across national borders, but also local partnerships with primary and lower secondary schools. This creates knowledge and an awareness for the responsibility for local biotopes. The comparison with corresponding results of European partner schools gives an idea of the fact that nature conservation cannot stop at national borders.
The results and the commitment of the pupils are made known in their social environment through public relations work. They learn that the public rewards and supports responsible behaviour and that it is therefore worthwhile to work for the interests of nature.
Through the cooperation between different school types and age groups, education and training opportunities are made better known locally. This might be a starting point for future collaborative projects and add sustainability to the project.
Although we share many common values in Europe, getting to know people from other countries is a central concern of all student exchanges. Only those who have worked together with other pupils from Poland, Estonia or Germany are better able to avoid judging people solely on the basis of their origin. Visits on site awaken a feeling for the common European heritage. The project thus has a multidimensional, sustainable impact. All those involved in the Erasmus+ project will be developing a differentiated knowledge of some common lines of development from the 20th century to the present. The Polish-German relationship, including the Polish neighbour Estonia, will be strengthened in a pro-European way, as this project is a contribution to sustainable international understanding and rapprochement. Existing (pre-)judgements are replaced by differentiated knowledge and practical work with digital tools. In the long term, this Erasmus+ project aims at developing the disposition of each individual participant to stand up for fundamental rights, human dignity, ecological thinking and respect in Europe and worldwide, even under difficult conditions.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 105270 Eur

Project Coordinator

Berufskolleg der Stadt Bochum, Technische Berufliche Schule 1 & Country: DE

Project Partners

  • Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych Nr 2 w Bialymstoku
  • Börde-Berufskolleg des Kreises Soest
  • Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasium