Values We Share, What’s your Learning Style? Erasmus Project
General information for the Values We Share, What’s your Learning Style? Erasmus Project
Project Title
Values We Share, What’s your Learning Style?
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2020
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Social dialogue; Inclusion – equity; Early School Leaving / combating failure in education
Project Summary
As a result of technological developments, individuals become more dependent on technology and their social skills decrease. The situation in schools is not much different. TVs, computer games, mobile phones have been students’ social environment. Students get used to the concept of loneliness from day to day and think that some negative situations like lying, being disrespectful, insulting etc. they see in social and visual media are normal. All these situations cause students to ignore universal values like honesty, cooperation, responsibility, tolerance, empathy, love, freedom etc. in school and social life.
This project is about the values that are forgotten or ignored, but indispensable for being a good citizen. Regardless of their language, religion, race and belief the purpose of each country is the same: to teach values through multiple intelligence activities beacuse each child is special and learns differently. It will be ensured that all students participate in the learning process actively with the activities addressing their intelligence.
Students will learn:
*How to take responsibility and share them with the party they prepare in Poland
*To be together with the kites and games they designed together in Italy
*How to look at the events from different angles by writing different results to the same introduction and to respect the differences with the story completing activities in Portugal
*To discover the melodies of different countries and embrace cultural richness with the activities in Turkey
*To love beyond borders with Jenga game in Romania
*To put themselves in place of others with the obstacles on track, in other words to feel an empathy for the people with disabilities by the activities in Turkey
The expectations in this project are:
*More peaceful, reconciliatory and non-violent school environment
*To make students know their learning styles and increase their academic success.
*Decrease in school dropout rates.
*Increasing the knowledge of all participants about the concept of Europeanism
*More active role of the schools in transnational projects and modernization of schools
*Awareness about ethical values such as tolerance, peace, honesty, cooperation, responsibility, self-confidence, freedom and respect in school environment
*Development of empathy skills of the students, adapting to the society more easily and growing up as individuals who are aware of their values
*The development of an appropriate social inclusion culture
*Improvement of students’ social competences
It is also expected to improve communication, language and teamwork skills which are indispensable for social relations. Students’ self-confidence will increase with the international experiences they will perform at an early age and a positive contribution to their individual development will be provided. They will have an awareness about different cultures and Europe.
In this project there are five countries: Portugal, Italy, Romania, Turkey and the coordinator Poland.
Partners have been found on social sites like Erasmus+ partner search and thanks to e twinning. Italy, Romania and Turkey do not have any experience, but have contributed to the development of projects and activities with innovative ideas.
Portugal has been involved in Erasmus projects for years and shared their experiences with partners unconditionally.
Romania that has two e twinning school labels backs all the partners up with its e twinning experiences. Turkey and Portugal have started the e twinning project about values with their contribution.
Four participants from each country will take part in mobilities and one teacher will accompany them. The project commissions will be established with the acceptance of the project in each school and they will be responsible for the selection of the participants, the execution of the project and the distribution of tasks. The commissions will open social media accounts and web pages.
Activities in mobilities and other activities in schools will be shared on project social media accounts and e twinning. Host countries will prepare three-minute videos after each mobility and will share them on project social media accounts and their schools’ websites. At the end of the project the coordinator country will compile videos and form a 15-minute documentary. This documentary will be broadcast on local TV channels. Booklets containing project and mobility activities will be printed and distributed in each country. Trainings, seminars, sessions will be organized in schools and in local communities in each country for other students, teachers and parents.
Every year in the second week of May a festival called Values Time will be held in each country and international values will live forever.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 134220 Eur
Project Coordinator
Szkola Podstawowa nr 47 im. J.K. Branickiego w Bialymstoku & Country: PL
Project Partners
- Istituto Comprensivo Statale “J.F. Kennedy”
- Sait Güzelcan Ortaokulu