Wypracowanie materiałów dydaktycznych do szkoleń zawodowych osób głuchych w sektorze HORECA Erasmus Project

General information for the Wypracowanie materiałów dydaktycznych do szkoleń zawodowych osób głuchych w sektorze HORECA Erasmus Project

Wypracowanie materiałów dydaktycznych do szkoleń zawodowych osób głuchych w sektorze HORECA Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Wypracowanie materiałów dydaktycznych do szkoleń zawodowych osób głuchych w sektorze HORECA

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Disabilities – special needs; Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning; Access for disadvantaged

Project Summary

“Development of teaching materials for vocational education of deaf people in HORECA sector” is a strategic partnership project implemented by partners from three countries: Poland, Hungary and Greece. The partnership is composed of institutions supporting the deaf people, training institutions of international scope and employers from the HORECA sector. The project objective is a translational cooperation in the field of improving the quality of vocational education of deaf people in the hotel-restaurant-catering (HORECA) industry. Thank to exchange of best practices between partners from three countries solutions supporting deaf people to prepare for starting employment in this industry were developed. During the project implementation, following results were developed:
1. Training courses for deaf person in the workplace in the hotel and gastronomy sector for 10 professions selected in terms of adequacy for deaf people. Training courses are dedicated to deaf people who want to start working in the following professions: barista, bartender, waiter, chef, confectioner, gardener, baker, technical, porter, maid. A package consisting of a syllabus (training program compliant with the European Training Framework), description of the profession and a set of instructional videos has been developed for each of the professions. Instructional videos consisting of a sequence of scenes related to tasks performed in a given profession are translated into the national sign languages of the partner countries and contain subtitles and a voice-over recording in a given language. The films are available in Polish, Hungarian and Greek.
Developed materials are useful for:
– employers who can use it to train potential employees
– deaf people who want to improve their skills on their own initiative
– vocational teachers – as an additional teaching tool.
2. Thematic dictionaries include basic expressions recorded in sign language that are necessary for communication at work between a deaf employee and the hearing part of the team. The dictionaries are prepared in the national languages of the Partners (spoken and sign language with additional inscriptions). Dictionaries include vocabulary used in works in the area of the 10 professions from the HORECA sector. They are useful for deaf people, their managers and colleagues, to support communication at work. They are also useful for teachers from vocational school because they help them better prepare deaf students to work in the HORECA sector.
3. Deaf at work – the manual for employers from HORECA sector who intend to hire a deaf person. The manual contains the characteristics of deaf people, strengths of deaf employees, possible problem points, instructions how to prepare team members to work with deaf he manual for employers from HORECA sector who intend to hire a deaf colleague. Vademecum can be used after minor modifications also in other industries where deaf people are employed. The manual has been prepared in a shortened version (containing the most important information) and a full version (dedicated to people who want to explore the topic).
All developed project results in Polish can be found and downloaded free of charge from the Leader’s website: http://dobrekadry.pl/wszystkie-zawody/
Materials in Greek: http://isdec.eu/
Materials in Hungarian: http://munkakoralap.hu/programok/erasmus-plus/tananyag-fejlesztes-hallasserultek-szamara-a-horeca-szektorban/online-szakmai-szotar/
Dissemination activities carried out in the project and research on the impact of the project allow to identify the following groups of stakeholders of its results:
– Deaf and hard of hearing – who get first ever chance of real vocational and practical preparation to work in the profession they are theoretically educated for in their schools
– The employers of the HORECA sector, who get practical teaching materials which on one hand increase the level of their and their employees’ knowledge about cooperation with a deaf employee, but on the other hand provide them instructional movies and a dictionaries allowing better allocation of a new employee, and helping to avoid problematic situations.
– Educational institutions (schools, vocational education centers, training institutions) who gain access to professionally prepared teaching materials allowing preparation of workforce to work in 10 professions of the HORECA sector.
– Participating organizations – exchange of knowledge and experiences certainly increased qualifications and competences of people employed in these organizations.
– Other organisations working in the field of employment or activation of deaf people or people with disabilities in generally, who get access to high quality manuals, training courses and dictionary and thanks to that are able to use them in their work for different target groups.
– General public – increase the level of knowledge, understanding of deaf people and their culture. This allow inclusion of deaf people.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 278430 Eur

Project Coordinator

Dobre Kadry. Centrum badawczo-szkoleniowe Sp. z o.o. & Country: PL

Project Partners

  • B&D Hotels S.A.
  • Institute of Citizen’s Sustainable Development and Health
  • Munka-Kör Alapítvány a Hallássérültekért