You and me – we are the same! Erasmus Project
General information for the You and me – we are the same! Erasmus Project
Project Title
You and me – we are the same!
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy
Project Summary
Today, we are already part of the great family of the European Union and the theme of respect for the rights of citizens and children in particular , has become even more actual because children are the future of a United Europe. The protection of children’s rights is the duty and responsibility of all and each of us; teachers, parents, the state and society as a whole.
Multicultural classroom increasingly becomes the norm for contemporary school. Joint life and activities of students and teachers
of different cultures in a multicultural environment also requires of the teacher to have a clear position to multiculturalism and to manage inter cultural education. Intercultural education is not only about studying mother tongue or training of bilingual children. It has a much wider mission. In the education and training process increasingly required application of innovative methods and approaches for the formation of not only knowledge and skills, abilities required of the modern European citizen. Quality and sustainable education require to reach a higher degree of connectivity between the individual abilities of the student with opportunities to take an active civic and social position in school and real life situations.
We based our project’s principle on the Charter of Child Rights which says that ‘’ All children are born with fundamental freedoms and all human beings have some inherent rights “All children should have the same rights and should be given the same opportunity to enjoy an adequate standard. İn our Project ‘’ You and me-we are the same’ we intend to make our students aware of their basic rights as Survival, development,Protection and Participation because they have the right to survive, develop, be protected and participate in decisions that impact their lives. As today’s children are tomorrow’s adults, it is of great importance to infuse youngsters to widen their sights to reduce violence and build a better society of tolerance, care and respect and to promote peace as a value of global meaning. We would like to instill our students how to become aware of their rights and obligations and act as good citizens, empathizing with other people and sharing feelings and ideas for a harmonious way of interacting and existing. We aim to emphasize and strengthen values as respect for diversities and make our students aware that not all the children have the same rights. We wish to give them the courage to stand strongly for the preservation of Human and Children’s Rights like the right to play and to study and want our students and teachers to act actively for a peaceful communication. We also aim at involving students with special educational needs integrate into the tasks as far as possible to receive equal opportunities with their peers.
Our project activities are designed on 5 topics including the basic rights of all children:1.The right of speaking their mother 2.The right to preserve tradition/Culture3. The right of education/right to Play 4.Protection (Healthy nourishment and medical Care and healthy environment)5.Participation(expressing opinions and participating in decisions).The activities are innovative lessons; use new methods; collaborative online work; create website; virtual communication and online conferences; new knowledge about European society and experience gained by participants, partners, parents and community; presentations; drawings, art and crafts made by students; group works between students, teachers and parents. The activities are expected to result in the development for The teachers – in the organization, in the regional, National and European schools through the dissemination of the information about the project; transfer and implementation of innovative practices at organizational, regional, national and European levels; more dynamic, active and professional school environment at participating schools; sharing and integrating the good practice; virtual communications and collaboration between students and teachers – online conferences on e-Twinning platform every month; flexible learning how to work with new technologies; ICT potential – working on e-Twinning platform, upload on the blog; how to work with children of minorities and special needs; creativity, innovation and modernisation of Education; language skills; Entrepreneurship; creating surveys, comparative analyses and questionnaires.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 107580 Eur
Project Coordinator
College Marie Mauron & Country: FR
Project Partners
- I.C.S. C.Santagata-5° C.D.
- Cahit Arf ilkokulu
- Agrupamento de Escolas de Miranda do Corvo
- Zakladni skola Velke Nemcice, okres Breclav
- PPHS Banker Ltd