Your Europe at Home! Shaping Yourope Erasmus Project

General information for the Your Europe at Home! Shaping Yourope Erasmus Project

Your Europe at Home! Shaping Yourope Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Your Europe at Home! Shaping Yourope

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses

Project Summary

The project „Your Europe At Home – shaping Yourope“ was developed by four European schools and joined by students (14-17 years old) from Logrono (Spain), Santo Andre (Portugal), Riga (Latvia) and Hamburg (Germany, project coordinator).
The title already emphasizes the two main aspects of our project. On the one hand, it stresses the participants’ attitudes, experiences and knowledge concerning the EU and living together in Europe. On the other hand, the title includes the necessity for the students of being an active participant in the European civic society. Gaining knowledge, being aware of their role in the European society and actively shaping Europe are major goals for our project group. This is even more important during a time where liberal and tolerant achievements are faced by multiple challenges.
Beside those Europe-related goals, another main interest was the acquisition of key competences that are important and useful in a globalized and constantly changing society hence, the development of social, digital, linguistic, intercultural and methodological competences was encouraged. Those were fostered by an integrative, student-centered and action-oriented approach, more specifically by a method called “learning by teaching“. For instance, the students developed English questionnaires in international teams (sometimes by coordinating the process via eTwinning), conducted the survey and analyzed the results via word, excel or power point for further working processes.
The material used in in the final product dEU is based on the students’ experiences, ideas and reflections throughout the whole project. Consequently, the dEU is a digital learning unit created by students for students, which enables other students to experience the same as the participants in the project.
The main topics of the international project meetings (LTTA) were organized along guiding questions: What does the European Union mean to me and my community?, How does the EU work? (EU institutions), In what way does the EU affect me and my community?, How can I actively shape EU policies and society?, How can I continue my commitment in order to share my knowledge about the EU?
The first LTTA focused not only on the consciousness on common European values, but also on the awareness of the given diversity. To accomplish this, the students learned the importance and relevance of intercultural competences. Furthermore, they were part of an intercultural training program.
During the second LTTA the students acquired knowledge about the EU and the different European institutions. On the basis of their own research on European institutions and agreements they created posters in international groups. The method of visual thinking was applied. Furthermore, they debated on the issue of European migration in a role play.
The third LTTA focused on the influences of the EU on our private, local and national level illustrated by Riga (Latvia) as an example. Consequently, the students developed a learning unit that dealt with the influences of the EU on trade, monetary policy, travel and education.
During the fourth and fifth LTTA the students reflected and learned different ways of how to participate in the European society as well as actively shaping their interests and the European values. They were supported by external speakers (e.g. Europe direct; Espaço Europa) accompanied by a discussion about a broad variety of possibilities to do so.
As a result of their learning the students created multimedia campaigns (topic: “Voter’s participation during the European elections”) and developed ideas for the EuroScouts and their home schools to spread their new gained knowledge. Besides the acquisition of digital and methodological competences, the students stressed through their feedback that they even learned on a micro level that following aspects are unalterable in the European society: being open to everyone and being emphatically are crucial attitudes for a successful cooperation and living together; hence, the students can be considered as multiplicators, that will share those attitudes throughout their social environment.
The students’ experiences lead to the development of the digital accessible learning unit dEU (digitalEducationUnit). Through dEU the experiences as well as the knowledge are provided for other schools with the goal to promote and educate socially active and responsible students.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 75165 Eur

Project Coordinator

Gymnasium Rahlstedt & Country: DE

Project Partners

  • Casa Institución Los Boscos
  • Rigas 18 vakara (mainu) vidusskola
  • Agrupamento de Escolas de Santo André, Santiago do Cacém