Youth Empowerment Through Social Entrepreneurship “We Care” Erasmus Project
General information for the Youth Empowerment Through Social Entrepreneurship “We Care” Erasmus Project
Project Title
Youth Empowerment Through Social Entrepreneurship “We Care”
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education
Project Summary
According to the “joint European Commission-OECD policy briefing on youth entrepreneurship” there is evidence that despite young people enthusiasm about starting businesses, there are a “number of barriers affecting youth entrepreneurship in areas including skills, networks and financing; barriers that are often particular to youth or more severe for youth than for adults”. In times when Europe and its neighbors face an economic crisis that has increased levels of youth unemployment and reduced youth participation in the labor market, the project aimed at promoting social entrepreneurship and youth empowerment as a sustainable way in addressing these challenges.Therefore, the idea of the project ‘Youth Empowerment Through Social Entrepreneurship “We Care” (YES, WE CARE)’ was to initiate a network of conscious young activists and social entrepreneurs from Europe (Austria, Slovakia and Macedonia) and Africa (Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda) who are working to educate, liberate, and empower the youth in their local communities through spreading of social consciousness and development. Being aware of the difficulties and socio-economic problems that some African regions are dealing with, youth from these countries do consider extremely important the support and encouragement of creating social businesses as new form that can guarantee their own income sustainability. The idea behind the project ‘Youth Empowerment Through Social Entrepreneurship “We Care” (YES, WE CARE)’ aimed at developing skills of youth to appreciate the community, the environment and their participation in the social and political processes as well as to work on sustainable businesses in the field of social entrepreneurship. The project intends to inspire youth to build up their network and be engaged in entrepreneurial activities around certain societal issues, such as caring for the homeless, sick or elderly, becoming aware about preserving the nature or helping vulnerable groups.Through the project YES, WE CARE we wanted to empower young people from Europe and Africa to embrace the opportunities of social entrepreneurship and to boost the impact in their communities. In the same time, the empowered social entrepreneurs create jobs for themselves and thereby, contribute to the solution of the youth unemployment in the countries. The innovativeness in this project is mirrored through the combination of different experiences and views on social entrepreneurship, as well as through the exchange of know-how. Here we understand the social entrepreneurship as a tool for youth empowerment, through which youngsters can become active shapers of their communities. The outcomes encompass also a platform for social entrepreneurship for youth in Africa and Europe, as well as a Handbook for Social Entrepreneurship – a Booklet of Inspiration for Social Entrepreneurship in Africa and Europe that strives help and inspire new young entrepreneurs and help the advanced ones to boost even further their impact.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 98365,36 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners