Youth Enterprise Shadowing Schemes Erasmus Project

General information for the Youth Enterprise Shadowing Schemes Erasmus Project

Youth Enterprise Shadowing Schemes  Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Youth Enterprise Shadowing Schemes

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education

Project Summary

YESS – “YOUTH ENTERPRISE SHADOWING SCHEMES” – is a 24 months ERASMUS YOUTH project is designed to support the fight against unemployment among young people and, at the same time, influence their decision as to the career to be followed, by enriching their understanding of the practical sides of entrepreneurship and self-employment, through engaging them in so-called “Enterprise Shadowing Scheme” (E.S.), which in many countries have proven to constitute quite effective educational processes.

The YESS project’s objectives, activities and expected results are compatible with the needs and requirements laid forth in the “Education and Training 2020” (ET 2020) strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training as well as in the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan. Another important European framework that the project’s activities will respond to, is “Europe 2020 Strategy”, enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship.

The YESS partnership is composed of four (4) partners from four (4) countries: Poland (Coordinator), Italy, Cyprus and Greece. In all these countries, youth unemployment constitute a very high percentage in most cases the youth unemployment rate is more than double the overall unemployment rate.

The main expected results are:
(a) Mapping and Assessment of Νational Enterprise Shadowing Practices and Reports (IO1)
(b) Enterprise Shadowing Methodology, Training Materials, Guides and Tools (IO2);
(c) Digital Training Content and customised YESS E-learning Platform (IO3).

The FABUSS project will implemented in 4 phases, structured in a way so as to ensure effective linkages and complementarity among its various activities. These phases are:
• Phase 1: Mapping and Assessment
• Phase 2: Development of Training Materials and Enterprise Shadowing methodology.
• Phase 3: Development of the e-Learning component of the project. Finally,
• Phase 4: “Pilot testing and Evaluation phase’’ . At the end of the project’s 2nd year, with most of the project intellectual outputs completed or in their final stages, the partnership will reflect on the ”Sustainability” that YESS could leave behind for all participating organisations (partners and stakeholders involved directly or indirectly) to take stock and decide on initiatives that could ensure the project results’ durability, maintenance and sustainability. The ”Sustainability Guide” appropriately disseminated, could also provide ideas and materials to organizations in countries outside the partnership, which could facilitate initiation of similar programmes addressed to young entrepreneurs interested in undertaking set up businesses.

The project is expected to impact significantly on participating organizations, young people, policy makers, local communities, as its major objective is to narrow the existing knowledge gap, provide awareness on key concepts and opportunities and equip young successors of family businesses with the needed tools to pursue successful entrepreneurial activity.

After the project’s completion, YESS partners intend to maintain connections created, while the training materials and methodologies will remain available to any number of members of the direct and indirect target groups, to help even more people profit from the knowledge developed. Partners have agreed to keep the project’s e-Learning platform regularly updated for 3 additional years, after the project implementation.

Actively seeking and securing resources necessary to maintain the results of the project after the funding period already is explicitly incorporated in the administrative tasks of all YESS partners. In particular. They are committed to the objectives of the project, as they realize its importance and added value upon young people and the development of the youth entrepreneurial sector in the participating countries. This implies that, making all efforts necessary to maintain the results and to continuously strive for sustainability, will become an important part of their everyday activities and long range planning.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 97400 Eur

Project Coordinator

Stowarzyszenie Integracja i Rozwoj & Country: PL

Project Partners