Adult Cognitive Decline Consciousness Erasmus Project

General information for the Adult Cognitive Decline Consciousness Erasmus Project

Adult Cognitive Decline Consciousness Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Adult Cognitive Decline Consciousness

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills; Health and wellbeing

Project Summary

The ageing of the European population is a serious social and economical challenge that calls for action and innovative solutions at all levels.
In connection with ageing, cognitive decline is a phenomenon of growing numeric dimensions, which represents a severe burden for the European families and the healthcare systems. There is therefore a need to tackle this issue with a strategic perspective, oriented towards prevention and education: health literacy of EU citizens has to improve, and to this end, adequate modern and innovative training tools have to be conceived and deployed. Many health literacy actions have been taken, but often they turn out to be ineffective. Thus, it is opportune to create and test innovative and viable learning solutions able to stimulate the adults, and consolidate these learning paths through the opportune policy actions.
The objectives of the project can be then summarised as follows: 1) to empower the European adults by making them more informed about their health and how to age well, reducing the risk of cognitive decline 3) to set up and test an e-learning based edutainment tool for health literacy (through a gaming approach and structure) built around an innovative approach of edu-training embedding professional communication techniques 4) to test a viable approach for making the training and educational contents available to the widest possible audience of European citizens 5) to deliver the training contents to adults and – through them – to families, in order involve a richer learning environment and efficaciously stimulate it.
ACDC activities can be summarized as follow: definition of a common and shared scientific Health Literature contents; the set up an e-learning based edutainment tool for health literacy built around an innovative approach of edu-training embedding professional communication techniques; pilot phase carried out by the consortium involving more countries, not only the partner regions/areas; evaluation and refinement of the platform; draft of guidelines to make this approach replicable; identifying a shared path of practical use for other organisations and public authorities across Europe wishing to implement the same approach. Main results achieved and impacts:
• Provide the citizens with free of charge and user-friendly basic e- tools to limit and delay cognitive decline thus promoting an active ageing;
• Change of attitudes of adult people towards healthy behaviours and self care in order to create a health literacy mentality >90 % of respondents expressed positive evaluation in the customer satisfaction. Their interest in the topic of the cognitive decline prevention was increased after visiting and playing on the platform. By a scientific point of view, it was demonstrated, during the pilot, that the gaming platform is effective in improving the online users’ performances.
• The project provides to the stakeholders suggestions and strategies to replicate the ACDC approach. They have a tool to improve the health literacy in our society. If the level of literacy of the population is not adequate, their accessibility becomes almost null, both in terms of capacity to understand them and in terms to find them. The platform is fun, accessible and easy to understand. Even if it is dedicated mainly to cognitive decline prevention, it can be used to attract people and sensitize them to the general concept of health literacy. Furthermore, thanks to the guidelines it will be easier to replicate the ACDC approach to cognitive decline or to other topics of health literacy.
• Sustainability of the platform: The community and stakeholders have a tool to improve the health literacy in our society. Stakeholders are deeply-motivated to engage further collaborations and to use the tool
• Number of adults reached: 3305 and more than 2000 people in the dissemination activities.
Indirect impact: to reach citizens and through them, their families thanks to the participation of family associations at the pilot phase.
Presentation of the project at scientific National and international Congresses on Public Health. Articles published on scientific dedicated web sites. Many cooperations with different stakeholders as well as many meetings and events with local and Regional authorities in health sector. They participated not only at the dissemination events but during the development of the project, from the scientific research (involvement of the researchers and resident physicians in Public Health, professors and decision-makers) to the evaluation of the platform.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 432934 Eur

Project Coordinator

IAL Nazionale- Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro s.r.l Impresa Sociale & Country: IT

Project Partners

  • European Center of Entrepreneurship Competence & Excellence
  • Accademia Nazionale di Medicina
  • Die Kärntner Volkshochschulen