Colorful Songs Erasmus Project
General information for the Colorful Songs Erasmus Project
Project Title
Colorful Songs
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Inclusion – equity; Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills; Creativity and culture
Project Summary
Through the dialogue between different artistic manifestations (poetry, music, painting, …) different cultures and styles, pupils from several European schools met with art in a free way, without limits nor boundaries, using it as a vehicle to understand the world we live in and contributing to the development of basic skills.
The final objective was to promote the improvement of creativity and basic and generic skills and the creation of positive habits for lifelong learning including disadvantaged students, preventing learning difficulties and facilitating transition between different levels and stages.
Colorful Songs was born of the interest of a group of teachers from 5 different countries for developing creativity through collaboration in eTwinning working on Art, Literature and Music, integrated into our daily work in different areas, facilitating expression of children in their many natural languages and the transition between stages and school levels. To ensure the success the need to be extended to other levels and stages of partner schools arose. Lithuanian, Greek and Italian partners coordinated by Spanish school were granted by Erasmus+, while our UK partner joined as eTwinning partner only following all eTwinning activities and attending some meetings with no EU fundings.
Each Erasmus+ partner school contributed specialization in certain educational fields: Lithuanian partner is a specialized gymnasium of arts; Greek partner is specialized in pre-school education with great experience in internationalization and parents collaboration; Italian school has an experienced team on collaboration at international levels in pre-school and primary; and the Spanish partner has good experience organizing and coordinating projects at EU level, integrating content and language learning (CLIL) in primary education, foreign language learning from pre-school and recently introduced Emotional Learning and Creativity as school subject and has organized previous pupil´s exchanges. Tasks were distributed according to their profile: Spanish partner did all coordination work; Lithuania checked curricular integration and steered the main outputs development; Italy was in charge of eTwinning updating ensuring all partners created the necessary materials, and Greece supervised parents collaboration.
All partner schools took part in different activities following our initial detailed program. All schools made a work suggestion about an author or artist from their region or the country, in this way al partner schools have created poems inspired by different countries art: from Italy, Renato Gutusso, from Greece George Iakovidis, from Lithuania Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlioni and, from Spain, Antonio Padrón and Heriberto Cruz and his songs inspired by the painter´s work in his project “Canciones al óleo”. The British partner contributed with a piece of British artist Gwyneth Johnstone for a specific team work activity. Learning a song in each partner language was included in this work suggestion. To boost creativity, four Reggio Emilia methodology inspired activities were fulfilled by all partner schools, two of them leaded up to create new eTwinning projects, “Inspiration4” and “Before&After”, to facilitate on-line collaboration between more teachers and pupils from all partner schools. Colorful Songs was awarded an eTwinning Quality Label for the collaborative work done on eTwinning.
Three short term exchange of pupils were held with a total number of 49 pupils (one of them without EU grant) and 12 accompanying teachers; and three short term staff training events with a total number of 12 participants were planned though two of these mobilities were missed by 2 Greek teachers.The hosting schools were those of Italy, Spain and Lithuania, where Art, Music, Literature lessons or workshops according to Colorful Songs guidelines were organized, as well as meetings with local artists or visits to local art museum, gallery or artist´s workshops. Participants helped organizing and took active part in an International Art Festival contributing with selected samples of the work done. We had 4 transnational meetings to organize and assess every project step, these were held in Spain, Lithuania, Greece and Spain with a total number of 24 participants under EU grant and 4, from UK, without EU grant.
Our tangible results are our Colorful Songs book of successful project activities, a calendar with pupil´s drawings and cards, Colorful Songs TwinSpace with on-line art galleries and books of poems for each country´s art work suggestion, recorded songs in partner languages, assessment and dissemination activities, mobility diaries and four Reggio Emilia inspired activities, new TwinSpaces were created for 2 of these activities: Inspiration4 and Before&After, the first one was awarded another eTwinning Quality Label.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 96830 Eur
Project Coordinator
CEIP Juan del Río Ayala & Country: ES
Project Partners
- 2o Nipiagogio Ierapetras
- circolo didattico palazzello
- Siauliu Sauliaus Sondeckio menu gimnazija