Empowering adult’s training: a guide for emotional management Erasmus Project
General information for the Empowering adult’s training: a guide for emotional management Erasmus Project
Project Title
Empowering adult’s training: a guide for emotional management
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning; Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal); Inclusion – equity
Project Summary
The main aim of this strategic partnership was the writing, publication, translation and exhaustive dissemination of the The Emotional Management Guide for Adult Training. This guide is a useful tool, so that adult trainers can improve the competences needed in the emotional work towards their learners, giving pedagogical guidelines on active listening, emotional discharge and other strategies to work with adult groups about the oppressions and mistreatment they receive and that are perpetuated by them. A teaching unit was also writing collaboratively to offer specific activities to organisations wishing to work with groups about this topic.Through the dissemination of the project´s results (the guide in Icelandic and Spanish, the teaching unit in English and Turkish and the summary video of the conferences where the results were presented) we would like to improve the quality of adult training, through capacity building on emotional management. The innovative and participative design of this two year project also involved a decisive strengthening of professional skills, for the staff of the three participating organisations (Hringsjá, Permacultura Cantabria and Mozaik). This strengthening was especially important, with regard to the emotional management in the field of non-formal adult education, the employment of ITCs and the linguistic competences. Thus, they have, in turn, improved the quality of their daily work as well as their teaching and the learning of the adults with whom they interact. The specific goals of this partnership were: -Bestow the basic emotional management tools for non-formal education on adult trainers. -To raise awareness, among those relevant agents in the educational decision-making, of the relevance of the emotional issues, in order to achieve an education of quality. -Introducing innovative improvements related to the emotional management in work practice with adults, with the consequent direct impact in the learning quality of adults, their inclusive education and their future employability. -Broadening the knowledge about emotional management of the participating organisations, by means of online and on-site networking. -Laying the foundations for other future long-term collective projects in the emotional field. The main activities implemented during the Project were: (a) the realisation of three transnational meetings, in which the representatives of the participating organisations reviewed the working plan and evaluated the project; (b) the joint online writing, publication and dissemination of “The Emotional Management Guide for Adult Training” and the “Teaching Unit on Emotional Management for Adult trainers”, by all the participating organisations; and (c) on-site conferences with different stakeholders relevant for educational decision-making, in each of the three participating countries that enhanced the general and the online dissemination. After the conferences, the educational challenges identified were further addressed through teamwork. Long-term impact for the participating organisations included a greater confidence of their workers and trainers, to face the challenge of emotional education, a high-quality education, from the point of view of inclusion, academic and professional success, as well as the social and personal integrity of their learners. In addition, contacts were shared during the project, contributing to the creation of a transnational network of organisations interested in emotional education, which, at the same time, could end up in future projects. Through the dissemination of the outcomes, the partnership informed and persuaded key educational stakeholders, so that the emotional issues will be, definitely, taken into account, in all educational aspects (from non-formal training to educational legislation). Thus, the organisations that participate in the project had also a greater European involvement, widening the influence of their role, as key actors, creating connections between different stakeholders, in the field of education.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 59950 Eur
Project Coordinator
Hringsjá náms- og starfsendurhæfing & Country: IS
Project Partners