Exemplarily together with the family program Erasmus Project
General information for the Exemplarily together with the family program Erasmus Project
Project Title
Exemplarily together with the family program
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Disabilities – special needs; Health and wellbeing
Project Summary
Our project aims and the realization were to bring closer the family-kindergarten’s contact, the cooperation and the help of the communication. Our goal was to create a connect between families and kindergarten, which is beyond cooperation for the children’s mental health, through mapping the parent’s educational habits, but also gives family support, transfers knowledge, and serves as a model. It was also a purpose to enrich the competences of the kindergarten teachers and nurses, the development of our pedagogic, methodological culture, and the cognition of the system-based family therapy rudimentary knowledges as a new learning, and the avoidance of burning out. We formulated the aims together, and we created a strategy, an implementational net, that beside the new knowledge, also contains impulse, complex, inclusive thinking, custom ideas for implementation and included the joy of the activity made for the community. It also opened a self-knowledge road, which was a valuable element from the first moments of the common work and the realization of the project. While the coordinator kindergarten had already had good practice how to involve the parents to the everyday life of the kindergarten, in this way these experiences were the base for the partner kindergartens. The coordinator kindergarten accomplished the cooperation along system-based knowledge. „Interaction” training – the participant partners may have leant on it during the teamwork.
Our partner from Székelyudvarhely participated with the „Healthy Tale” short-term training, and the importance of the health education, and beautiful examples of successful integration. The partner from Kosice attended with folk traditions, the importance of the vernacular upbringing. The partner from Királyhelmec took part with the equal opportunities for all, integration and with the methodology of the digital technique in our project. The neverending learning through our lifetime, the inclusiveness, the sensitization, the equal opportunity, and the redevelopment was accompanied by the elements of his practices throughout the two-year time span of the project. Between the strategic aims we organized tasks for both the children and for the adults to attract the above mentioned conceptions. Both the families and the institutes welcomed and needed the cooperation. In favour of this the month by month planned strategy acquainted the partnership with new methods, withdrawal ideas, and the parents’ participation grew on the programs dynamically. The family-kindergarten’s communication improved largely. The claim was considerable all the time for the new knowledge, the interest was significant for the system-based family therapy knowledge and reception also was showed, not only in the partnership, but on a domestic and international level among the educators. The fact that the teachers received knowledge from the families’ function, the pathological processes, the occurrent symptoms of the child, gave us a complex view. This was the innovative element of our project. All these new knowledges confirmed the kindergarten teachers in their views, the become more accepting and more empathic as we learnt from the feedbacks of the focus group discussions during the partner meetings.
Planned parent clubs provided an opportunity to the parents for informal talks so they started to show up more and bigger number, underprivileged families was an important target audience to integrate and support. This helped the feeling of the reception, acceptance in the affected institutions, and integration meant opportunity to these families though. „Everybody is valuable in something” – the acceptance of the otherness was priority in our project. All these formed the families and the education committees into a colorful community.
It was important that the planned strategic tasks not to exhaust the participant kindergarten educators, because of this we connected tasks to the at all time current kindergarten basic program, we joined the tasks through the artistic devices, taking the current institutions’ human resources and his strengths into consideration. Healthy lifestyle, the motion-dance-sing, depiction, the environment protections were all priorities – since with this not only the children, but the families were formed through the project. The folk traditions, the conservation of our mother tongue and our culture was the important element of the cooperation, while multiculturality, the unity of the European Union with the cognition of the specialties of every particular partner country. The exchange of experience, the practice of the new knowledge promised a significant change in a long run for the participants.
Through our whole partnership was marked with openness and interest of not only from the kindergarten teachers, but other staff of the institute, the parents and the children. The publicity of the project insured it in the wider circle truth access – web surfaces, interviews.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 84900 Eur
Project Coordinator
Csip-Csup Csodák Magánóvoda & Country: HU
Project Partners
- Materská skola – Óvoda s vyucovacím jazykom madarským, Zizkova 4, Kosice
- Materska skola – Ovoda
- Gradinita Ficanka