GET MOVING! Take Part in the Future Erasmus Project

General information for the GET MOVING! Take Part in the Future Erasmus Project

GET MOVING! Take Part in the Future Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

GET MOVING! Take Part in the Future

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy; Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ; Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers

Project Summary

One of the challenges of EU strategy 2020 relates to the development of social capital among young people, the empowerment of young people and their ability to participate actively in society, in line with the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty to “encourage the participation of young people in democratic life in Europe”.
This is also one of the objectives of the Erasmus + program and the aim of this project. Create from the school a culture of participation and mechanisms to allow their dissemination to the various more or less inclusive communities to which it belongs to.
A culture (IDEAS) based on Information, DEbate And Sharing, mechanisms that are simple, effective and sustainable, involving young people from 13 to 17 years. Results that can be transferable/transferred to other schools, other territories.
By promoting the reflection on some of the main problems/challenges that the future holds, through a series of non-formal learning activities: debates, conferences, exhibitions, editions, performances, it is expected that the project will enable young people to develop a deeper awareness of the nature of these problems challenges, to substantiate and give more quality to their civic participation.
On the other hand, by providing young people authentic experiences of participation, initiated at school but oriented to the community involving it, it is expected that at the end of the project these experiences will give rise to concrete and effective mechanisms of participation recognised and accepted by the communities and local authorities and a revaluation of this institution as an active and essential partner in their communities, thus giving it greater importance and greater social recognition.
It is also expected that this project may produce the conviction that the solutions we all should look for are necessarily solutions involving each other and can only be found in a more global context, in which the concept of European citizenship is fundamental.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 131300 Eur

Project Coordinator

Agrupamento de Escolas de Tondela – Tomás Ribeiro & Country: PT

Project Partners

  • J. Neikena Diklu pamatskola
  • Szkola Podstawowa nr 1 im. Marii Konopnickiej
  • Osnovna sola Nove Fuzine
  • Institut Pla de les Moreres
  • Lucina Hagmanin koulu