#Get Ready 4 Future Erasmus Project
General information for the #Get Ready 4 Future Erasmus Project
Project Title
#Get Ready 4 Future
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2020
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills
Project Summary
The project “#Get Ready 4 Future” meets the requirements to involve firmly new technologies in the Educational Offers of European Schools, experimenting an international cooperation and sharing good practices of innovative and participative learning in order to overcome cultural gaps. For this reason, it has been decided to encourage the interest towards the robotics from the Comprehensive High School “Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa”, applicant of the project and, in this direction, the project intends to increase the use of coding, educational robotics and digital skills. The coding method is an important didactic approach in the European school contextand it is able to enhance the motivation, the interest and the participation of the students on teaching topics and to strengthen relational skills.
In fact, it is abouta useful programming, also used for learning of non-scientific disciplines which leads to the development of problemsolving skills and to the so-called “learning by discovery” through practical and team working experimentation. The project, through the development of laboratory activities during transnational exchanges and with the implementation of virtual discussion and debate forums through eTwinning, foresees the development of the students’ skills in the coding activity, implementing learning by discovery, the involvement in the educational process and problemsolving skills.
In this direction, the specific objectives that the project wants to achieve are:
– to increase the European key competences of the participants, inparticulardigital skills, in order to allow a more active and aware approach to new technological tools, to improve the learning in scientific disciplines and to encourage the inclusion and the international cooperation;
– to encourage the debate between students and teachers coming from different European countriesenhancing internationalization strategies of the school partners and more openness to the European context;
– to involve activelystudents in their learning and knowledge building process, promoting the creative thinking for problem solving, using operations to stimulate analytical and organizational skills and the ability to communicate.
In the project “#Get Ready 4 Future” the partnership is composed of the High School “Dalla Chiesa” (Italy), “SkołaPodstawowaIm. HenrykaSienkiewicza”(Poland) ,”OOU BrakaMiladinovci” (North Macedonia) and “Escola Secundária Dr. Ginestal Machado” (Portugal), and foresees a total selection of 20 participants for each partner country (80 in total) of which 5exchanges (20 pupils in total) belonging to the V classes of the Primary and those of the Secondary School to which 2 accompanying teachers per country will be added.Students who do not take part in the single mobility exchange will be connected onlinethrough the eTwinning platform, social networks and different channels, while 5 will act as a “mechanical arm” in physical exchange in the different countries for a period of 7 days in total (2 travel days included) for 4 exchanges distributed over a period of 24 months.
The project will have as final output the construction of a droid that will be presented on robotics events in the different countries of the participants, to which each School will be connected in turn in streaming. The concrete activities of organization, construction, management and functionality of the robot will be developed in workshop meetings during the transnational exchange periods which will see the young participants to engage themselves in the knowledge and manual experimentation of coding activities and educational robotics using stimuli such as thematic readings (Asimov’s texts on robotics), cinematographic elements (pieces of films relating to robotics, computer science and programming), discussions and debates made by teachers and students. The impacts of this action will affect the perception of one’s own citizenship both for students in transnational exchange and for those who will remain in the school and will be connected remotely.
For the success of the project, 6 meetings are scheduled (Skype or Hangout) which will allow the progressive development of the activities, to monitor progress and evaluate any problems to be corrected.
In the final dissemination activities the Schools will be able to present the droid realized during the activities of the transnational laboratories and to start debates with other local and regional educational institutions on the use of educational robotics and coding in teaching and discuss the benefits and opportunities of the Erasmus + Program and of the international discussions among school realities.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 98838 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Szkola Podstawowa im. H Sienkiewicza w Konopiskach
- Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Ginestal Machado
- OOU ,,Brakja Miladinovci,, Kumanovo