Helping Our Planet Enviromentally Erasmus Project

General information for the Helping Our Planet Enviromentally Erasmus Project

Helping Our Planet Enviromentally Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Helping Our Planet Enviromentally

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Research and innovation; International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; Environment and climate change

Project Summary

3 schools were already in a first program, during two very unforgettable years. Sure of the benefit for the pupils, we wished to continue with another project and we have chose “sustainable development”. All together France, Italy and Germany, invited Spain to join the group. The initial program is the fruit of shared meetings and objectives the themes and competences attributed to each countries, depended on local contexts. In every country many pupils were motivated during two years. France concerned a first level class the first year, but because of educational system some of them left the school at the end of this first year. We continued the program with those still present, in spite of planning difficulties, and we attributed work to another class from the first level. But only the pupils of the original group took part in international meetings, as planned initialy. A class based on commercial exchanges worked for 3 months to prepare, organize and manage the second edition of Sustainable meeting, that took place on february the 28. A total of 70 pupils that worked on the items during the second year. Italy choose to work with pupils from 4th level. They were selected because of their langage level and their desire to move abroad.. Coming from many classrooms they had to share their experience after every mobility, with their class. In Germany, pupils were shosen to join this subject among 11 proposed subjects. They worked ont the theme for 2 hours a week, during the school days, and were evaluated regularly. In Spain, pupils were in a scientist class, and supervised by a pluridisciplinary team. All the pre meeting activities were conducted : week meetings, around previous themes, preparing documents, pedagogical material, sharings and final productions. Every country gives its originality to its work. The main difficulity appeared because of the diversity of pupils and the divesity of school system and goals All the pupils engaged initialy arrived at the end of the project (even those that left the school in France) and teaching teamis are still engaged. The real motivation helped all of us to reach the goal. The will to give our works a scientific tonality was ambitious, but we managed to learn all the aspects initialy planned, using different ways to give all the pupil a wide view of the theme. We are sure that now our pupils have a good approach to sustainable development, in all the directions that may be concerned. They learned how to be critical and how to engage deep analysis. We hope they have gined sensibility and that they willuse daily their knowledge in their daily life with the people close to them, for a better future.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 98605 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Institut Montserrat
  • Liceo Peano-Pellico
  • Gymnasium Carolinum