I am a Sport Entrepreneur – what R U? Erasmus Project
General information for the I am a Sport Entrepreneur – what R U? Erasmus Project
Project Title
I am a Sport Entrepreneur – what R U?
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education
Project Summary
Whether or not they go on to found businesses or social enterprises, young people who benefit from entrepreneurial learning, develop business knowledge and essential skills and attitudes including creativity, initiative, tenacity, teamwork, understanding of risk and a sense of responsibility. This is the entrepreneurial mind-set that helps entrepreneurs transform ideas into action.Commission, Entrepreneurship 2020 Action plan. The global conditions demand that EU embraces innovation and creates an entrepreneurial eco-system, for young and old alike. The former in recognition of the changing dynamics of youth economic opportunities and the latter in response to the ageing population. This innovation will increasingly need to be generated in specialised fields, using all its creativity and talents to explore new markets, new activities and interests.Sport is a field of activity with economic potential. As it bridges youth interests, to health, to voluntary activities of millions of EUs, and sporting activities offer a myriad of routes for enterprise and employability activities. This is the context of the project, aiming to leverage the experience, knowledge and capabilities of partners to meet use sport as a tool for wider development.Promoting entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial capacity on the part of young people is high on the EU agenda. To nurture a vibrant entrepreneurial eco-system across EU. The socioeconomic context in EU is resulting in a number of outcomes within the labour market: Inflexibility education system in the face of rapid change Ineffective recording of employability and enterprise skills Excessive jobs applicants Lack of entry level opportunities and effective work experience Need for enhance recruitment and employment market inefficiencies It is also becoming more evident that the formal education system cannot adjust quickly enough to offer young people 21st century entrepreneurial capacity and competence.The lack of capacity in the formal education system to catch up with the exponentially growth in new competence needs among youth leaves a big open vacuum.This is why non-formal education and learning, is becoming more important to youth’s capacity to face 21st century challenges.The project will aim to create sport entrepreneurial capacity building for youth workers and young sport entrepreneurs in 7 different countries and through a model inspired by 21st century didactic and capacity building mechanisms in virtual gaming.Partner countries: UK, ES, TR, PT, SI, HU, CZ and GR, University of East London is the coordinator.The capacity building of young sport entrepreneurs will be achieved through real-life and real entrepreneurial activities, including sporting events, and will take the youth through all the phases of entrepreneurship. It will contribute to the innovation of the YouthPass, deliver rich and guidance material for open EU sharing and create the first EU portal for sport entrepreneurs.It will also contribute through knowledge creation to the development of the evolving EU Entrepreneurial Competence Framework and interact with the development and implementation of future EU policy-making and funding programming in the fields of young people’s entrepreneurial capacity.key outcomes:- Young people on the move: creating 21st century entrepreneurial competences through sport events – introduction to the project. Study guide – I am a Sport Entrepreneur – what R U?–EU model Guide- Narrative based documentation of entrepreneurial capacity – EuroPass 2.0. CURRICULA- First EU portal for young sport entrepreneurs (ENYSE)- Policy paper: increasing value of non-formal capacity building for creating entrepreneurship mentality among youth- Gender analysis: young women and (sport) entrepreneurship, a challenge. Available on www.fullspeed.eu Multiplier events and the launch of the portal will be the climax.
From August 2016 (delayed kick-off from June / July 2016) until the early termination of the project in October 2017, nine partners worked on and developed the following intellectual outputs:
IO1 – Illustrated PDF explaining the project, its activities and mission to a wide local and EU audience. (FINAL)
IO2 – I’m a Sport Entrepreneur – What R U? – The European Model Methodological Guide (PARTIAL – ONGOING DOCUMENT)
IO3 – Narrative based documentation of capacity – EuroPass 2.0 (FINAL – REALISED EARLY DUE TO TERMINATION)
IO4 – First European portal for young sport entrepreneurs (ENYSE) (PARTIAL)
IO5 – Policy Paper: the increasing value of non-formal capacity building for creating enterpreneuring mentality among young people (PARTIAL)
IO6 – Gender analysis: Young women and (sport) enterpreneuring – a special challenge (PARTIAL)
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 118077,9 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Evropski kulturni in tehnoloski center Maribor, socialno podjetje
- Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Gençlik ve Spor Kulübü
- Working with Europe/Treballant amb Europa Associació