ICC- International Career Center Erasmus Project
General information for the ICC- International Career Center Erasmus Project
Project Title
ICC- International Career Center
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills; Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment
Project Summary
The transition period from the end of compulsory or upper secondary school to the next phase of further or tertiary education is a vital part in the biography of teenagers and young adults. In this context, schools play an important role in supporting and counselling their students on their way to prepare for the world of work and to find a suitable placement after school. Therefore, careers orientation is the focus of the participating schools’ activities and an integral part of their quality development. the project supplemented these activities in the way that it used the schools’ expertise on the subject of career counselling and their network of contacts in universities, the regional employees, professional career counselors, etc. At the same time, the project broadened the schools’ focus and know-how and integrated the students in the process of career orientation.
The goal of the project was to teach students knowledge, skills and competencies which help them cope with the requirements of future studies (abroad) and of a European job market. Therefore, the students of all participating European countries created an online platform for sharing the information with their peers. Beside the competencies that they acquired in class concerning their choice of career, the students used their experiences and their insights which they gained from being hosts for a workshop with visitors from abroad. These five workshops took place in the five participating countries and showed the participants the “path from the chosen course of study to enrolment” abroad. The students of the respective school prepared the workshop week together in advance according to the interests of the students from the other schools and the regional opportunities of universities, employers, etc. The students gained practical experience in the process of their application by giving presentations, taking part in consultations, acting out role plays, filling in forms, and taking part in discussions with their hosts. A “day at uni” with information about organizational aspects of the course of study, possibilities of getting financial help, as well as panel discussions with foreign students at each partner university complemented the project. Thus, the workshops in each school were organized similarly. This repetitive structure of visits to universities and regional employees, application writing, conducting job interviews in role plays, etc. was advantageous as it showed the participating students similarities and differences between the different countries. To plan and coordinate the project, there were three meetings of the steering group. This group accompanied the entire process and was responsible for quality management.
The project was aimed at students from the five participating schools in Germany, France, Spain, Finland, and England who were in their last year of compulsory education and in their first year of upper secondary education. The core project group consisted of 16 students from each school, i.e. 80 students in total, plus a number of about four students at each school that participated in selected activities or supported the project without going abroad themselves. The project group was heterogeneous with regard to gender, professional and personal interests, school performance, etc.
During the complete time span of the project, the participants in the project developed the online platform which offers information for students at school about the course of study and apprenticeship abroad, application processes and forms, concrete instructions, and details of regional contacts.
The participating students benefited from the project in multiple ways. They enhanced their skills with regard to language, intercultural communication, personal and social competencies, information and communications technology (ICT) and their knowledge concerning options after school in further and tertiary education, gap year opportunities, job descriptions, as well as financial and accommodation aspects for the time after school and leaving home. They also received a certificate of attendance for their mobility, their project participation was recorded for their school certificates and they acquired in the Europass.
Moreover, the online platform they created -www.internationalcareercentre.eu- can be used by students from Europe and all over the world to find out about the participating countries lifestyle/culture, opportunities concerning universities, apprenticeships or job placements, about how to finance their higher education and where to find accommodation. The online platform was created by teenagers and young adults for their peers. Furthermore, it is still work-in-progress, i.e. more information will be uploaded by the participating schools and it can be extended to other countries that want to send in their information as well.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 111095 Eur
Project Coordinator
Gymnasium am Rotenbühl & Country: DE
Project Partners
- Boston Grammar School
- Pargas stad
- IES Poeta García Gutiérrez