Learn to be zen @ school Erasmus Project
General information for the Learn to be zen @ school Erasmus Project
Project Title
Learn to be zen @ school
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Research and innovation; Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills
Project Summary
The world of education is changing. From primary school onwards, children are subject to many pressures inside and outside school. However, when stress stifles a class, it is difficult to obtain a serene climate to develop learning.
To reduce tension, you must first understand your own behaviour.
• “45% of teens say they are stressed « all the time »” Global Newswire
• “Exam stress is causing thousands of UK children to require conselling.” Huffingtonpost
• “Research shows that untreated children with anxiety disorders are at higher risk to perform poorly in school, miss out on important social experiences, …” – ADAA
• “Teachers may need training to respond to children’s emotions.” College of Aces, University of Illinois
This reality has consequences for children, teachers and parents. But we can make a change! Our partnership has enabled the creation of a series of tools to awaken children aged 5 to 12 years old to awareness and emotion management in school (and elsewhere!).
The timeline
• February 2017 – Discussions about emotions and the beginning of the adventure. How to discuss the theme of emotions with children?
• March 2017 – Start of the Learn to be zen @ school project. Creation of a partnership with Savoir-être à l’école (France) and the Franco-German School of Freiburg (Germany), based on the idea of producing videos combined with activity sheets and play-and-learn materials.
• September 2017 – The project is launched. Creation of the first video clips and educational tools. Presentation of the project in different fairs and schools, on social networks etc.
• February 2018 – Website and first topic are unveiled Opening of the https://learntobezen.eu website and launch of the first tools for testing in participating or partner schools.
• November 2018 – In France, the start of workshops in the 6th grade classes of 2 secondary schools in the Paris region classified as “Zone d’Education Prioritaire” (14 classes, 300 children).
• End of August 2019 – Completion of the experimental project. The tools were gradually implemented by a series of volunteer teachers: 75 Belgians, about ten Germans and 33 French. About 3,000 children participated in these workshops. Evaluations, by children and adults, were provided to the partnership.
• September 2019 – Launch of the toolbox to the general public. Availability of all Learn to be zen @ school tools to the general public, free of charge.
Thanks to these tools, children will be able to acquire and develop key life skills: self-knowledge, empathy, emotional and relational skills.
Groups targeted:
• primary school children (5 to 12 years old) as a priority,
• education stakeholders (teachers, educators, directors and educational staff),
• schools and educational associations or local authorities, which work with education stakeholders and young people,
• parents and other young people.
Productions (see all the tools on the website https://learntobezen.eu):
• 10 animation video clips on the theme of school stress, emotional management and intelligence, to open the discussion with the children.
• 10 pedagogical sheets for the teacher, the educator, the parent, in order to build the activity with the children and to choose the appropriate tools.
• Attractive and fun tools to allow children to explore, put words to their emotions and find solutions together to the difficulties they encounter.
Objectives/impacts of the strategic partnership:
• To raise awareness and interest in human functioning.
• Develop key knowledge and skills for life: knowledge of self, others, empathy, emotional and relational skills related to stress management, emotions, relationships with others, and better living together.
• Learn to be zen: develop your ability to adapt and take a step back.
• Develop in the classroom and in children’s living spaces a serene climate, open to others, the world and learning.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 79712 Eur
Project Coordinator
learn to be & Country: BE
Project Partners
- ecole franco allemande