Little Responsible Citizens Are Reshaping Their Future Erasmus Project

General information for the Little Responsible Citizens Are Reshaping Their Future Erasmus Project

Little Responsible Citizens Are Reshaping Their Future Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Little Responsible Citizens Are Reshaping Their Future

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Environment and climate change; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Civic engagement / responsible citizenship

Project Summary

Little Responsible Citizens Are Reshaping Their Future is an Erasmus+ KA229 project which will be carried by six partner schools from Turkey, Slovakia, Poland, North Macedonia,United Kingdom and Croatia. The students invoving in this project are between 8-12 years old. All the partner schools have been chosen based on our previous experience in eTwinning and Erasmus projects and all of us are already carrying an etwinning project with the same theme.

It is a fact that our Earth is being threatened by extreme pollution. All the sources of food, water, plastic, energy and water are wasted. The problems, in schools, regarding bullying, torturing animals, destroying the nature, addiction to internet games have started to increase a lot. Many people as well as our students don’t know about the results of climate change, natural disasters and how to survive and help others in case of emergency. Moreover, new generation also tend to forget their cultural values which means losing the connection between our past and future.
Therefore, we want to raise responsible citizens that can take action to stop the climate change, love their nature and keep their environment clean, emphatize for all the livings, keep all the animals, keep their cultural values, improve their digital and language skills to catch up with the 21st century skills. To reach our environmental goals, we will organize activities about recycling, saving energy and water, role plays and charity works to teach emphaty, and some cultural events to know the value of our culture. We will carry lots of ICT works using the webtools.

To reach our environmental goals, our students will actively involve in planting garden and trees, they will recycle and hold exhibitions, they will create lots of digital materials about keeping the environment clean, they will have debates about the issue and be in constant communication with their European peers to improve their communication skills. They will play some cultural street games and visit their cultural heritage sites to keep the connection with their culture. They will act in small plays and do charity work as well as helping animals to improve the feeling of emphaty. They will love their nature more by discovering it and the agricultural products it serves us. As the number of all the natural disasters increased by the climate change, they will learn how to cope with them by being trained by the experts.

Both teachers and students will benefit working transnationally on this project by sharing examples of good practices and encouraging students to take active part in education and be more tolerant and responsible. We will carry activities aiming to enhance teaching practice by using innovative student centered methods which also help the students develop their transversal and soft skills. We include student learning events aiming to help students to change their attitudes towards themselves and others including the nature and animals. Teachers will be able to improve their teaching methods innovatively while adjusting their lesson plans with the activities of the project, while creating their digital materials such as e-books,e-magazines,posters, and blogs. They will learn how to adapt project centered teaching methods as they will also actively take part in etwinning project. Students will collaborate with their peers from partner schools and improve their language skills as well as their digital skills. We will have lots of results such as project’s logo, digital posters about emergency procedures, a book raising compaign, , blogs, e-magazines, news in the press, social media platforms, memories of the visit to the senior homes. All the results will also be available online on project’s and schools’ websites as well as eTwinning to be used as examples of good practices to raise responsible citizens and inspire for change.

All in all, we hope that we will have taken a step in raising citizens who care about their environment, their country and the whole Earth as well as their cultural values. We believe that they will be good models for the younger future generations after them by doing good environmental actions. Finally, we believe that they will participate in different Erasmus programs in the future.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 164110 Eur

Project Coordinator

Thomas Becket Catholic School & Country: UK

Project Partners

  • Szkola Podstawowa nr 11 w Toruniu
  • Mehmet Zeki Yazici Ilkokulu
  • ZS s MS Skolska 49
  • l. osnovna skola Cakovec