Migrations of yesterday and of today : A cement for Europe Erasmus Project
General information for the Migrations of yesterday and of today : A cement for Europe Erasmus Project
Project Title
Migrations of yesterday and of today : A cement for Europe
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy; Migrants’ issues; Early School Leaving / combating failure in education
Project Summary
This project made it possible to make our students aware of the disintegrating discourses relayed in the public opinion and to make them think about the fundamentals which made it possible to forge the European construction.They realized that the migration of yesterday and today are part of the same story, follow the same path that helped to cement the EU.
By focusing on the issue of Spanish Republicans in 1939,they realized that one does not leave one’s country with a good heart, that leaving everything behind is not always a choice but a necessity,unfortunately too often the situation of today’s migrants.In addition, they realized that over time, all the prejudices, the prejudices that had to face these Spaniards, have fallen today, that their integration is completely acquired, as it will be the case for the current migrants.
Our students realized that migrations are both factors and constitutive elements of the European identity, that the European project was built around this idea of openness and that this “other”,too often pointed out, in the past and today, contributes to enriching the common good.They became aware in turn that everyone can be an immigrant or an emigrant, that many of them were of immigrant background, that the nationalist discourses that are developing today are not without risks for the future and the future. consolidation of the European idea.They were able to reflect on the fundamentals of tolerance, equality, freedom and respect for human dignity, which are at the heart of the EU’s values.
With regard to French students, it turns out that this project allowed 98% of them to change the ideas they had about immigration, to make them aware of the migratory issue of today. and the problem of integration.Today, 63% of our students say they have better control over the EU migration issue, 92% better understand the difficulties migrants face, 70% say they are ready to help them.
This project was also an opportunity for them to better know the EU and to assert themselves better as a full-fledged European citizen. 88% say they have a better knowledge of the EU, 90% feel that they are truly European citizens.As a result, 100% of students now want to travel to the EU and 78% plan to study in one of the EU countries under an ERASMUS.In addition, they were able to consolidate cross-curricular competencies and validate formal and informal learning, develop their autonomy, intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, ability to synthesize, better open-mindedness and become accustomed to working in team.
Our students were able to develop their self-esteem. 80% of the project participants feel more persevering in the face of difficulties, 54% think they have a better creative capacity, 98% have a better ability to explain things, 96% feel more comfortable expressing their ideas, 85% feel have better ability to make choices, 90% better ability to express their tastes and 80% better ability to communicate more easily with others.71% feel better at sharing and helping others, 78% better at suggesting ideas within a group, and 81% showing better ability to adapt to others.
This project has allowed us to make more use of ICT in our teaching: They have been used many times, to deal with various aspects of the theme.
Partnerships with the various institutions have been maintained, notably by writing a new Erasmus + project, by launching an eTwinning project with Romania and signing a partnership with the Italian establishment.
The project has thus strengthened the international opening of our establishment.
It has also helped to improve the practice of foreign languages (especially English): most students feel more comfortable (98%), understand better and can more easily communicate with their peers. partners.He showed them the importance of fluency in English and made them want to continue their efforts to better understand this language.
The academic success of our students has also been improved because the project has allowed them to develop skills that are poorly understood: ability to adapt (towards the other, in a context of interculturality, with respect to unforeseen circumstances). in the realization of the project …), to work in autonomy, to listen to the other.
This project has also helped to give a dynamic to the class and helped create a better school climate: the mutual help between students was favored by the need to work in workshops.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 95860 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Berufsbildende Schulen Oschersleben des Landkreises Börde – Europaschule
- Colegiul National Ionita Asan