Open Gates to the Knowledge of Entrepreneurship Erasmus Project

General information for the Open Gates to the Knowledge of Entrepreneurship Erasmus Project

Open Gates to the Knowledge of Entrepreneurship Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Open Gates to the Knowledge of Entrepreneurship

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment; Gender equality / equal opportunities

Project Summary

The project was established through cooperation between educational institutions in 4 countries: Romania, Cyprus, Italy and Turkey.
The project started from the need identified in our organizations, namely: high unemployment among young people who graduated from high schools involved in projcts.
Youth transition from school to work has become more and more difficult now than it was a few decades ago. Nowadays, few young people leaving the education system manage to integrate the labor market quickly
The most promising ways to change this situation are career counseling and entrepreneurship
Through this project we want to develop a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial skills of our students that are aware that entrepreneurship can be a career option
The project AIM is to shape the skills and competencies necessary for students to integrate them as active citizens in the labor market at EU level, to face students and teachers with the challenge of finding new answers based on new ideas in an educational context located in a rapidly changing and strengthen teachers’ capacity to advise and guide students in choosing their career, including entrepreneurship.
The general objective is the exchange of best practices with partners in the European development entrepreneurial skills, intercultural and support critical thinking in the specific context of the environment through exercise firm and assessment activities and vocational counseling, to facilitate students’ transition from school the labor market and increasing the capacity of teachers to plant and stimulate creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship among students and colleagues
With the general objective and specific objectives, the project contributes to the achievement of specific priority in school education field through the use of effective and innovative methods of teaching and evaluation (training firms), supporting critical thinking by teaching sciences in the specific context of the environment or cultural context
O1 Increasing awareness on educational and vocational guidance to 90% of students participating to activity by motivation, aptitude and vocational interests assessment, individual counseling, educational and vocational guidance until March 2018.
O2 Development initiative, entrepreneurial skills and critical thinking to 90% of students participating in activity by the acquisition of economic, legal and cultural knowledge as a result of establishing training firms until June 2018.
O3 Development to 90% of students participating in activity the creativity, accountability, ability to plan, organize and implement the activities proposed by the organization and participation of students in training firms fairs until November 2018.
O4 Development to 90% of students participating in activity the intercultural, interpersonal and linguistic skills, by direct knowledge of stereotypes and discrimination in entrepreneurship across Europe by the end of the project.
O5 Development to 32 teachers participating in activities of methodologies for education and career guidance for students, promoting positive attitudes towards entrepreneurial culture through international cooperation, by the end of project
O6 Developing a culture, contact networks through international collaborations that lead to a permanent exchange of teaching methods and tools with a view to continuous professional development of 32 teachers by the end of the project.
Acquiring knowledge and skills is essential in individual and professional development, increase employment capacity and adaptation, heavily nuanced aspects in the project through the learning activities proposed
The activities bring added value to the project by using innovative methods, interactive, which are designed to stimulate learning and personal development favoring interchange ideas, experiences, knowledge. These stimulates thinking mechanisms, of intelligence, will, imagination and motivation and involve them emotionally in what they do
Through the proposed activities and deliverables, the project promotes the general principle of equality by allowing the application to learning activities, advice and guidance in starting a business to all participants regardless of nationality, sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, area of origin or any other discriminatory criterion.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 85270 Eur

Project Coordinator

Liceul Tehnologic Costesti & Country: RO

Project Partners

  • Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
  • I.I.S.”Luigi Sturzo”
  • IMS Private School