Open to the future Erasmus Project

General information for the Open to the future Erasmus Project

Open to the future Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Open to the future

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Teaching and learning of foreign languages; Environment and climate change; ICT – new technologies – digital competences

Project Summary

We are five schools across Europe which are united under the same purpose to be ready for the future education through open innovative practices and digital competences. Through the project, we want to learn and transfer innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation at the field of digital competences, interactive teaching methods of basic skills and culture. Each of the five partner schools will be a mentor for other schools in terms of implementing “open” for high quality digital and environmental education for the 21st century teachers and learners. Bulgaria will present 3Dprinting; Italy – Project-based learning activities through digital tools; Romania – Coding messages; Portugal – STEAM based learning; Greece- Robotics based constructions. Objectives: To be “open” for high quality digital and innovative education for the 21st century teachers and learners. In order to equip our students to lead and innovate in the future, we need to prepare them to work with future technologies. To transfer and to implement of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation at the field of digital competences, interactive teaching methods of basic skills and culture. To adopt a holistic approach to language teaching and learning, building on the diversity found in today’s increasingly multilingual classrooms. Students will develop their English skills and knowledge through digital and ecological themes. To strength the European dimension in the participating schools, to build up their capacity for crossborder cooperation and their ability to cope with new challenges. The partnerships will promote the values of inclusion and tolerance, will offer international learning experiences to pupils, to develop their understanding of the diversity of European cultures and languages, and to help them acquire social, civic and intercultural competences necessary for their personal growth and teachers’ professional development.
The short-term exchanges of groups of pupils will involve 120 students and 40 teachers. These 120 students are part of our target group of students, who will go through a selection process based on their digital and basic skills education, interest, motivation and English language level. The participating teachers will be qualified and experienced, with excellent digital competences and at least B2 English level. Activities: Short-term joint staff training event in Bulgaria; Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils; eTwinning activities; other project activities. Joint staff training event will organize successful teachers work. Four days period at the coordinator school will enable staff to work together, to exchange experience and know-how. During 5 days workshops, students will acquire different digital and innovative practices through environmental topics in English language, will boost their interest in European culture. Participating schools will use the eTwinning online platform to work together on the project before, during and after the mobility activities. The common eTwinning project “Open to the future” encouraged starting the Erasmus+ project and will ensure easy way to inform, organize, manage, cooperate, promote and disseminate our activities. It will include vocabulary, reading and writing prompts, quizzes so that students can improve upon skills in English as well as skills like analysis, comprehension, and questioning. The main themes will be “Our space. Green planet”, “All around us. Ecosystem”, “Our movement. How to clean the planet?”, “All around us. Ecosystem”, “Our future. Eco products”.
Final project product “Open to the future” will be upgraded project from partners projects “Our future space. Green planet”, “Our coding message. How to safe our planet?”, “Coming surroundings. Ecosystem” ,“The way to our future. Let’s recycle! Sorting activities” and “Owning our future. Eco products”. So through project based learning will be created the future space, through Coding will be expressed its messages, through STEAM will be built the ecosystem, through robotics will be indicate the ways of movement and how to recycle and to protect our space. Finally through 3D printing will be “grown” Eco products for life in our new environmental World. The process of these activities will be describe in our design notebook “Open to the Future”. It will keep a history of our design project from start to finish and will be translated in partners languages. It will describe project activities, methods, tools, platforms used to achieve the results; results of all tests, questionnaires and surveys; benefits of our eTwinning activities; dissemination indicators of the project. The participants in the project will strive for collaboration and teamwork.Social and intercultural skills, through the exchange of experience and good European practices, will enhance the sense of belonging to Europe.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 146720 Eur

Project Coordinator

Parvo osnovno uchilishte “Sveti Sveti Kiril i Metodii” & Country: BG

Project Partners

  • Istituto Comprensivo Itri
  • 1st Primary school of Diavata
  • Scoala Gimnaziala Petre Ghelmez
  • Agrupamento de Escolas de Rio Tinto