Our Cultural Differences are Wealth of Humanity Erasmus Project
General information for the Our Cultural Differences are Wealth of Humanity Erasmus Project
Project Title
Our Cultural Differences are Wealth of Humanity
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2018
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Cultural heritage/European Year of Cultural Heritage; EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy; Inclusion – equity
Project Summary
This project aims at making it clear that knowing the cultural differences and approaching them respectfully is so important for peace The results will be disseminated locally, national and international to all students involved,teachers, parents,staff and management. The project aims at motivating children to learn more about European cultures and their own culture too.This project deals with the fact that cultural differences may become our cultural wealth and by managing these differences well it may turn into an advantage and also form a common sense.
The objective of the project: Developing the social and educational values of European cultural heritage for 500 direct participants-students and 500 indirect participants-teachers, parents through cooperation between schools in 4 countries (Turkey, Romania, Poland and Portugal) over a 24-month period.
Our main aim is to help institutions to will contribute to social cohesion, non-discrimination and to form civic competences we for have designed the following objectives:
1) To raise democratic citizens who can think universally
2) To improve their knowledge and skills.
3) To cooperate internationally
4) To create a synergy by encouraging the relationship among students coming from different cultures.
5) To make a contribution to cultural integration against any kind of discrimination
6). To raise consciousness of tangible and intangible cultural heritage
7)To promote more active participation in society
8)To promote greater understanding and responsibility for social, linguistic and cultural diversity
To reach these objectives methods like drama performances, exhibition, conferences, environmental activities, cultural tours, folk dances and competitions will be held. Besides these organizations, a
new approach to problem solving will be applied to see how our differences affect creative thinking and problem solving skills. To see this, “cross-cultural problem solving technique” will be used and its
results will be compared and presented to the participants.Students and teachers from the European partner schools will be working on the same tasks and problems.
Our participants are aged between 15 and 18 some of whom have disadvantages socioeconomically and come from different cultures.Our project partners are Turkey, Portugal, Romania and Poland.
Our activities are:
*Practice with cross- cultural problem solving technique. This activity is planned to show how culture affects people’s thinking styles and their approaches to problems.
*Drama: Dramas will be formed , proverbs and idioms will be acted out.
*National traditions, folklore and cuisine: Students will present their local rituals, cuisine and music, traditional clothings.
*Environmental and sport activities: Students will perform sports activities, trekking and environmental protection activities.
*Poem speech competition;We will hold a poetry contest.
*ICTs and e-learning: Schools will open Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, social networks
*Cultural tourism: Workshops about cultural and historical heritage will be held in countries during the mobilities.
*Social awareness and cultural volunteer service: Students will sell the traditional souvenir items of the each participant country and donate the money to the chosen charity organizations. Each country will
inform the others about the cultural conflicts like holocausts and refeguee problems their countries experienced in their past.
Some short terms results include: giving our target groups of teens the chance to say out loud what worries them,encouraging their critical and creative thinking,expanding their knowledge of
English,refining their oral production and presentation. Throughout the project’s life time,all participants will do their best to turn our international collaboration into enjoyable experience,where
everyone will feel himself important.
The result of this work will be a significant expansion of teaching facilities supporting teachers in teaching educations.Each partner school will share their best experiences. Implementation of this
project will contribute to raising the qualityl of school education by increasing teachers’ knowledge and skills through learning best practices in education across Europe. Our project is student-centred
and most of the activities will be carried out by pupils themselves. Impact on children as learners will be multidimensional–experiences will be positive and enjoyable within an educational environment
for children who might not otherwise ever meet and communicate with children and adults from other countries.
Also by this international project,we hope that the students will enhance their basic and transversal skills 70-100%.They will add to their potential learning power in the labour market.In the future, their qualifications should help them to find a better job.All staff involved will benefit from sharing practice with colleagues on different methods of teaching and learning.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 86660 Eur
Project Coordinator
Colegiul National de Informatica “Carmen Sylva” Petrosani & Country: RO
Project Partners
- I Spoleczne Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im Unii Europejskiej w Zamosciu