Pomegranate Europe Erasmus Project

General information for the Pomegranate Europe Erasmus Project

Pomegranate Europe Erasmus Project
January 1, 2023 12:00 am

Project Title

Pomegranate Europe

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2019

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy; Cultural heritage/European Year of Cultural Heritage; Civic engagement / responsible citizenship

Project Summary

An estimated 362,000 refugees risked their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea in 2016,theyare now facing challenges such as discrimination and manifestations of racism and xenophobia which continue to threaten security in the increasingly diverse societies of many European countries.Euro- Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor) According to the concrete data obtained in different situations in our schools,Ss are socially and culturally avoiding refugees,they don’t trust them and see the them as risk. Segregation is increasing and the Ss no longer have an understanding for each other. To raise future European citizens, we need to focus more on human rights, the psychology of war victims, socio-cultural integration, equity, diversity, inclusion and democracy.
Our Priorities are: Social inclusion;Social and educational value of European cultural heritage,its contribution to job creation,economic growth and social cohesion; Strengthening the profiles of the teaching professions
Topics addressed by our Project are: Civic engagement / responsible citizenship
Cultural heritage EU Citizenship,EU awareness and Democracy
Goal of “POMEGRANATE EUROPE” is to contribute to socio-cultural integration by preventing prejudices, discrimination and xenophobia between refugees and local communities.
Our objectives are:
1-To avoid perceiving the humanitarian facilities provided to refugees as concession by our school family 2-To create awareness through working collaboratively with partners to get youngsters to familiarize with various democratic practices, learn about human rights and their role as responsible EU citizens and be informed about ways to actively participate in the civic process(2019eTwinningYear) 3-To contribute to prevention of xenophobia, stereotyping,discrimination and bullying in partner schools and to create socio-cultural interaction and integration between our students (Ss) and refugees using traditional performing arts as a tool 4-To contribute to the formation of the professional basic qualifications of our Ss by handling the issues of prevention of discrimination in internship places, future business and everyday life 5-To train and create materials for teachers Ts to deal with equity,diversity and inclusion challenges through cultural heritage and performing arts
Activities to reach our objectives and goal are:
LTTs: 4 transnational teacher trainings in partner countries to strengthen Ts skills in line with project objectives.They are planned in such a way that we benefit from the strengths of the hosting partners.Various techniques and methods will be used to address the needs and learning styles of all participants such as reaserch,seminar, face-to-face interaction,learning by doing,on-site-observation,Project development,etc.
Exchanges: 4 St exchanges which will be realised with 72 gender balanced students of 14-18 ages to create socio-cultural interaction both in local and transnational environments for our students Ss will interact with refugees in different activities such as interviews,learning songs,dances, cultural &sports activities,etc .These will lead to contribution to prevention of xenophobia in partner schools and create socio-cultural interaction & integration between our Ss and refugees using traditional performing arts as a tool.
Awareness and dissemination: Parents’ meetings, inviting experts to give lectures; 4 stagings, an open day,local demonstrations with refugees. With eTwinning and the website,we will reach a wider network.
Our tangible result are:
an international chorus
an international traditional folk dances group
an international tragedya/comedy
4 stagings in partner countries
4 open days
a collective TwinsSpace
a Project website
informative digital and printed brochure
tools & materials for Ts to work against xenophobia in their school
more effective teaching methods and nonformal learning and teaching tasks
Better understand of people of impelled migration,focus more on human rights
Number of young refugees out of education will decrease
Affinity for refugees with the local community will increase
Youngsters take more part as active citizens in society
Using of newly developed teaching methods to prevent xenophobia, social exclusion and alienation,bullying,etc.
Developed skills in project management, monitoring, reporting action plans and strategies,definition and implementation,communication evaluation, joint staff trainings,etc.
Network creation will allow to keep building professonal cooperations and activities in the future.
Raise in digital,linguistic and communication capabilities of the participants
Service quality in the workplace and in business life in the future
The internalisation of schools in the EU will increase
Interest in Erasmus+ will arise in other schools
Increase in the use of European reference tools for the recognition, validation and transparency of skills and qualifications
Interest in eTwinning will grow

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 10580 Eur

Project Coordinator

Drottning Blankas Gymnasieskola TROLLHÄTTAN & Country: SE

Project Partners

  • Music School of Amfissa
  • ISIS “Majorana-Fascitelli” Isernia
  • Toki Atakent Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi