Robotics ON Erasmus Project

General information for the Robotics ON Erasmus Project

Robotics ON Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Robotics ON

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses

Project Summary

Using the opportunity offered by the Erasmus+ Programme, the strategic partnership Robotics ON provided the highschool students with the opportunity to increase their skills in STEM, to be science and technology leaders by getting engaged in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills.
The „Robotics ON” project goal was to increase the number of experienced young programmers in the partner communities and the number of students enrolled in further ICT education in the context of the internationalised labour market. In this respect, 2 theoretical schools from Romania and Lithuania, 2 VET schools from Hungary and Italy and 2 Romanian NGO from private companies, addressed a major challenge and undertook the responsibility to provide their students with digital and entrepreneurial skills they need to succeed in life after graduation.
In this regard, until the end of the project, the 84 students from the target group:
– have developed digital and entrepreneurial competences relevant for personal development and for further education and/or career;
-have increased autonomy regarding personal and professional development, being peer-counsellors, members of a non-formal educational group- Robotics Club, competitors in ICT/ programming/ robotics field;
-have developed capacity to adapt, promote innovation and exploit the potential of technologies and digital content, within Robotic Clubs, by creating at least one robot/ school, to solve a problem identified by themselves.
The target group of the project comprises students interested in using ICTs and designing and creating robots, which will boost their personal development and enhance their employability. These students benefited from specific training in communication, teamwork related project management, critical thinking, creative problem solving, robotics coding and driving. In this regard, the learning activities were conducted by very competitive trainers from the IT private companies, considering them to be more connected to the business environment and the challenges and needs of the IT market.
The most motivated and competitive among ICT passionate students took part of the Robotics Club in their school. In each school, after each STEGP, students worked together as peer-counselors and creators of digital resources/robots, autonomously using their achievements, identifying institutional needs which can become solutions to their own projects. Within Robotics Club workshops, students developed strategies, identified and distributed roles and responsibilities, developed and promoted ideas and projects for their school/ communities and, finally, they created more than one robot/ school.
During the project implementation, the following types of activities have been carried out: project management activities (3 transnational meetings; planning, monitoring, evaluating, promoting, disseminating, reporting activities), activities related to the intellectual outputs (elaborating, testing, implementing and improving), 4 STEGPs (learning activities) and 2 multiplier events.
Two intellectual outputs were developed within the partnership: O1- curriculum Robotics ON, and O2 – e-learning web application. The O1 modules/ O2 sections are:
-Communication, Coordination, Teamwork related to System Project Management;
-Critical thinking, creative problem solving;
-Computer programming;
-Robotics coding and driving.
The curriculum modules are available on, in English, Romanian, Lithuanian, Hungarian and Italian.
At the end of this experience, 84 students were certified with the Europass Mobility after attending the learning activities. They became more creative and responsible in using ICT in both school and non-school contexts and also more responsible regarding career decisions, global citizens connected to their communities.
The project results, experience and outputs were disseminated inside the partner organizations, in the local community (to teachers and students from other schools in town/region, representatives from school inspectorates, universities, local authorities, private medium) and also in the wider lifelong learning community, to people in charge of European programmes and other schools or institutions involved in the educational field.
The impact of implementing the project envisages the participant students, teachers, the local community and the partner organizations. All the project interventions, through their synergic effects, prepared the students for ICT competitions, to ensure the student’s succeed in life after graduation and as an effect to improve schools’ capacity to respond to the changes, strengthening institutional capacity through the exchange of best practices and experience with the partners.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 149115 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Budapesti Gépészeti Szakképzési Centrum Szily Kálmán Müszaki Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma
  • Anyksciu Jono Biliuno gimnazija