General information for the SHOW ME HOW TO PLAY TOGETHER Erasmus Project
Project Title
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; Teaching and learning of foreign languages
Project Summary
The KA219 “Show me how to play together” project started in September 2017 bilaterally with the centre of Barnsley Darton College, in northern England.
This project, based on team sports unknown in the foreign country, intended to introduce the other centre in practices local sports, know its history and idiosyncrasies and thus bring cultures and traditions, at the same time a relevant activity for the identity of each centre: sport and foreign languages.
To achieve this goal, we started recording videos by students of each country sports to practice (Valencia and handball pilots in the case of the Spanish centre, and rugby and netball in the case of the British cole). Recordings were made in each term and transnational visits October and February exchange of specific materials were made (posters relevant players, specific balls, baskets, gloves) and practices with professionals from every sport for teachers in each school, thanks we had the collaboration of all Spanish sports federations and clubs York, Barnsley and Birmingham in England.
In May 2018 the first mobility of British students took place in Spain for a coexistence between boys and girls who knew of the exchanged videos and materials housed in families, and play a tournament each sport held openly for centres of the region. The impact was significant with a congregation of 5 schools and a volume of about 600 alumni / ae and participation of athletes like Javier Sanso (Pilota Valenciana), Llanos Trigueros (handball), Joe Arlauckas (basketball), Javier Bosma ( handball), … and the rise in national sports magazines like Gigantes.
This was complemented with visits to facilities and professional sports clubs in the area, with a collaboration that we thanking.
In June 2018, this mobility was repeated in reverse and students in fifth and sixth centre of the Spanish traveled to England for similar activities and also stay in families. The impact was greater than expected, with official reception of the City of Barnsley and practice sports with NBA legend Hakeem Olajuwon and Rockets club.
In July 2018 we knew that the British centre was privatized, changing the management team, management and almost 90% of the workforce of teachers, to the point of quitting teaching Spanish. The project was at a high risk and its cancellation was raised.
Given the impact obtained, the families of the British centre supported the continuation of the project and so did we know our transnational visit in October 2018 to its centre. The negotiations were not easy, as were not allowed to do homestay or use of the facilities due to new policy of the British centre as even changed its name to Delta Academy.
Thus, we seek accommodation apartments for the British near our population in Alicante and organize the games in our centre equally, as well as a visit to nearby clubs. In transnational visit Britain to Spain could close these details, and in April 2019. Given the high costs we had to reduce the initial idea of 7 nights to 4, but trying to keep the spirit of the project and following the exchange videos during the course (basketball and volleyball on the Spanish side and cricket and hockey for British side).
Mobility May 2019 the British to Spain worked well but lacked greater communication among participants in each country, as only looked at the schedule of the activity but no subsequent cohabitation.
In our mobility June 2019 everything was much more complicated, but fortunately, the Rockets club in Birmingham found us a residential accommodation, and provided sports facilities for school activities and Barnsley moved there for practice. The club Aston Villa of the city helped us to find a training place. Mobility worked properly and we could close the programme.
The impact left on the British centre has been residual, unfortunately, given the changes made there but people who could live our visit, it has had a positive result and the centre ALC Dearne contacted us to continue with a new similar project with adapted sports, we are developing.
In the case of the College of Novelda in Spain the impact has been very large: we have increased the number of boys and girls enrolled in extracurricular sports activities. The former player of Real Madrid Joe Arlauckas has chosen our centre for its sporting summer campus collaboration with British monitors Birmingham Rockets, and the ordinary curriculum of the centre have been introduced contents cricket, rugby or netball normally.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 56965 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Darton College