SMART – Science Meets Art Erasmus Project

General information for the SMART – Science Meets Art Erasmus Project

SMART – Science Meets Art Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

SMART – Science Meets Art

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Creativity and culture; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; ICT – new technologies – digital competences

Project Summary

Our project “Science Meets Art” consisted of a partnership of 7 high schools with students of 13-18 years old, from Greece, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, Finland, Iceland and Netherlands. The total direct participants, students and teachers, were 240. Altogether 400 people benefitted indirectly from the activities organised by the project. Quite many pupils think that school Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are extremely difficult and not useful in their lives. Many pupils, too, face Literature, History and Sociology as subjects without reflection in real life so they find these subjects very boring. The result in both cases is that students are not interested in studying these subjects anymore. Therefore, the main objective of this project was to make Science less abstract, more grounded in everyday life, and easier to understand. This objective was achieved through the connection between Scientific, ICT and Artistic disciplines, so Science became more visible around us, and its beauty and logic were emerged. Another objective was related to the fact that comparing the way in which Science is studied in different European countries provided the students with an additional motivation to study scientific subjects, and aroused in teachers the will to develop a transdisciplinary thinking and to use innovating teaching methods and skills to prepare students for lifelong learning. The methodology of the activities was based on Integrated Learning, that is informal and non-formal educational techniques which promote competences as innovation, use of all the senses, creativity, imagination, cooperation, critical thought and active participation in the educational process. The expected results were:i) intellectual: our students experienced how science works and how the different disciplines are related to one another, they developed foreign language linguistic competences and improved ICT competences by the use of innovative ICT tools.They also cultivated attitudes such as creative thinking, self-esteem, respect, cooperativeness and empathy and were trained to take initiatives, Finally, they experienced their cultural diversity. ii) material: posters and calendars, celebrations of World days, DVDs with the outcomes of all the workshops and the activities, travel diaries, exhibitions in schools and institutions (city halls, social centers, other schools, teachers training centers). Students and teachers performed the following activities: -made the project known to schools, parents, communities and organizations -made committees for the various tasks -constructed the project website on e-Twinning platform, You-tube channel and Facebook. These platforms contain all the information of the project (aims, activities, outputs, dissemination) -selected logo and mascot -made videos to introduce their schools, cities and countries -practiced ICT tools, apps and games -created calendars and posters -created photo-galleries and films using specific ICT apps -participated in LTT activities and TPM by performing workshops at museums, scientific centers, ancient and modern theaters, technical parks, libraries, schools and in nature, in order to discover the connection between Geometry, Chemistry, Restoration and Architecture of buildings, Art and Science into Nature, the scientific and artistic effects of Light and Color, Art and Technology, Theater and Logic, Physics and Geometry, Recycling and Environmental Art -created travel diaries -organized cultural events and activities (exhibitions of photos and paintings, theatrical plays, etc.) -celebrated the World Art Day and the World Science Day -conducted science experiments and constructed simple machines, gadgets and art-pieces using recycled materials -created presentations about architects and buildings, Science into Nature, the effects of Light, Global Warming and Meteorology -disseminated the activities through local Press and social media, lectures, congresses and learning courses. Impacts: -enhancing the students’ interest and skills in Science, ICT and Literature -disseminating new teaching methodologies and good practices -increasing interest in participating in an Erasmus+ Program. As another objective of the project was to make all its stages visible to a broad audience, long term sustainability was reached in the field of education through the sharing of the outcomes to a broader public who can use the innovative learning techniques and integrate these non-formal and informal ways of education into the subjects of our schools, and develop them. Moreover, the maintenance of the project activities will be imprinted in the behavioral and intellectual change of our students as mentioned above and of the involved teachers as they will get familiar with dynamic pedagogical techniques and will use these techniques in their daily work.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 150143 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Moision koulu
  • Holabrekkuskoli
  • Zakladni skola a materska skola Brno, Kridlovicka 30b
  • Istituto Magistrale Statale “Camillo Finocchiaro Aprile”
  • Oostvaarderscollege