Social Activities for Inclusion and Learning Erasmus Project
General information for the Social Activities for Inclusion and Learning Erasmus Project
Project Title
Social Activities for Inclusion and Learning
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Research and innovation; Migrants’ issues; Social dialogue
Project Summary
SAIL (Social Activities for Inclusion and Learning) has been a project on the social inclusion of refugees and migrants in the European cultural mosaic. SAIL focused on developing partnerships through social and learning activities in order to promote inclusion of migrants and refugees. The SAIL-project builds on previous projects on inclusion carried out by the four partner schools. As there are four schools from different countries across Europe there have been several hundred participants each year in the project, including students, staff, migrants, refugees, policy makers and social organisations. Main objectives were creating a social dialogue across nations, solidarity between peers and overcome language difficulties.
We have created a project in which students learn to understand and appreciate other students and peers with a different cultural background. A needs-analysis was carried out by students by doing field research. The field research included site-visits, interviews with professionals, politicians and surveys to understand the state of inclusion in the different countries. A comparative analysis was made as a start-up for investigating, analyzing and discussing on possibilities for further inclusion during several debates. The conclusion of the final debate in Belgium was that migrants would like to interact more with their European peers. The needs brought up in the field research were used to create a product and activities for the target group. The accumulated experiences were shared in a promotional exhibition. The exhibition contained for example videos, posters, stories of personal objects and clay figures representing emotions of migrants.
The project provided a number of benefits for students, teachers, schools and their /extended communities. Students got a better insight in the needs of migrants and inclusion policies among the various European countries. Their research and presentation skills were enhanced as well as their social skills. They learned to use debating and argumentative skills to find workable solutions in, sometimes, controversial matters. Planning and creative skills were necessary to disseminate all the work in a promotional exhibition. Methodologies employed in the above activities emphasized teamwork and collaboration across borders with their European peers as the target group. The project has had a positive impact on the active social involvement of students.
We also hope that students will develop a more active citizenship with a better appreciation for minority groups. Students are encouraged to stimulate the social welfare of their community and the society in general. They gained an open view in working together with people of different cultural and ethnic background.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 111140 Eur
Project Coordinator
‘t Atrium & Country: NL
Project Partners
- Spjelkavik videregående skole
- Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore “P.Gobetti A.Volta”