Students Today- Responsible Entrepreneurs Tomorrow Erasmus Project
General information for the Students Today- Responsible Entrepreneurs Tomorrow Erasmus Project
Project Title
Students Today- Responsible Entrepreneurs Tomorrow
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses
Project Summary
College-age young people are open and enthusiastic about making a change in their society and to serving good to all citizens. Global awareness and interaction has broadened their perspectives on the role of doing good. They are eager to be involved, to make an impact. That’s why it’s crucial that, while at the same time that young people are encouraged to be future leaders in the private sector, they should learn on the Corporate Social Responsibility concept/ Social Enterprise Model and vision themselves as Responsible Entrepreneurs.
Our project (Students Today-Responsible Entrepreneurs Tomorrow) delivered tailored programs of Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility to high school students that were enrolled in the school subject “Entrepreneurship” in the three respective countries (Macedonia, Croatia and Lithuania). The project modules were designed in a lead of the recognized NGOs from Macedonia (ARNO-coordinator of the project) and Belgium (Out of the Box International- partner) that offered full expertise in the design of modules and programs that improved the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the students for becoming future Responsible Entrepreneurs.
Young students accompanied by their teachers attended in total 4 trainings on Social Entrepreneurship and CSR with national follow-up activities that run throughout the entire project. They practiced the theory learned during the trainings by creating and running student Virtual Companies. Some of the student’s companies/ideas participated further in national competitions and won prizes, which proved that the project approach has visible and immediate impact on the student’s motivation and recognizable skills.
Students and teachers were involved fully at all project stages and used creative tools to share the message of the project (Online Campaigns, Photo Competition, Gala Fundraising Event) while the private sector companies were mobilized to share stories and provide the students on-site learning and exposure to real business environments. With the outreach to the private sector the schools established contacts with local Companies with strong CSR practice and Social Enterprises; some of the contacts resulted in partnerships that will continue to support the schools and the entrepreneurial education and community involvement.
The European dimension of the project ensured creative cultural learning, while the partners built stronger relationships and strengthened their international activities and culture of sharing best-practices.
The successful implementation of the project resulted in greater commitment by all partners on working more devotedly on the topic of entrepreneurial education. The project inspired the design of the proposal “STRET Teacher Toolkit”- a KA2 approved project that unites the same partners and aims to bring academic and policy momentum to the same topic by empowering the professional communities and promoting the approach at European level.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 104975 Eur
Project Coordinator
Organization for Social Innovation “ARNO” & Country: MK
Project Partners
- Prva susacka hrvatska gimnazija u Rijeci
- SUGS Gimnazija Rade Jovchevski Korchagin
- Radviliskio Lizdeikos gimnazija