Sustainable lifestyle and refugees Erasmus Project
General information for the Sustainable lifestyle and refugees Erasmus Project
Project Title
Sustainable lifestyle and refugees
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; Environment and climate change; Integration of refugees
Project Summary
1. Context/background of the project: Young people are generally interested in protection of environment. They are willing to engage as well in environment as in social belongings. Nevertheless they neither have in mind that our way of life isn’t sustainable nor that wealthy and consumption have negative consequences for others. Interdepedences between the local acting and the worldwide consequences are obviously. Especially the current stream of refugees is among other things an example of these impacts of our lifestyle. How to deal with this problem is one of the most important questions on national and international level.Sustainability does not only concentrate on environmental subjects, but also on attitudes. We are convinced, that our project has supported the development of a vision, action and research for sustainability in Europe. In addition we have to get in mind, that standard of living as well as acknowledging that there a is a range of possible approaches to sustainability and global citizenship which are constantly changing.This indicates a need for critical thinking, flexibility and life long learning. These aspects were key skills, which are not only needed in environmental subjects, but also in attitudes. Therefore we have also focused on the current refugee situation, because it seems to be one of the key challenges in the future.
2. Objectives: The learning of English and the ability to communicate in English has improved thanks to the close collaboration through Email, social media and eTwinning by staff and pupils from the partner schools. The students have acquired knowledge of political, ecological and global economic contexts; they have become more aware of their own lifestyle and tried to get to the bottom of that; Since they have been in contact with different countries, they have realised the differences between their own lifestyle and those of individuals from other countries. The current refugee problem is a true example of the impact on our lifestyle.
3. Number and profile of the participants: Five schools of general education (secondary level) situated in different parts of cities or villages have taken part. The profile of pupils is heterogenous, for example in Germany there is a big percentage of immigrant students. Each school has formed study groups of 15 – 20 pupils who have met periodically. At every school there is a group of teachers specialised in different subjects involved in the project.
4. Description of activities: Ecological footprint: How compatible is my lifestyle concerning ecological questions?- research: Dealing with water / plastic in our region- self experiment: Is it possible to live without plastic?- research: shops and organisations offering products without plastic and other examples of sustainable living in our region- permaculture, a solution against desertificated landscapes where a lot of refugees come from? – glossary of terms related to the topics of the project in English, German, Greek, Italian, Polish and Turkish:- interviews with people harmed by pollution in the Campania region- researches: Interference between our lifestyle and refugee movement like: –consequences of our high petrol consumption–climate change by CO2 –clothing and low wages–visits of refugees accomodations, arrangements of meetings with refugees, interviews about their past and current situation and expectations.
5. Methodology: Above all, we have used an inductive approach: – analysis of the status quo- research- interviews- discussions- practical work: permaculture, editing of the results by new technologies and media encourages the respective competences.
6. Results and impacts: Acknowledging that global equality and justice are necessary in a sustainable society and quality of life is a broader concept as well as the understanding that quality of life is not just dependent on standard of living.Our project has revealed useful patterns of innovation at local and global level for present and future generations. It has aimed to identify opportunities to enable sustainable living options that support a more sustainable future for Europeans. The concept has brought together the environmental, economic and social justice conditions necessary to meet the needs of present and future generations including immigrants.
7. Potential longer term benefits: The students are expected to improve their English language as mentioned in point 2 “Objectives” and their ICT skills.They are expected to be more aware of environmental protection and be more knowledgable about sustainable lifestyle. Additionally, the pupils have developed tolerance towards other cultures, especially towards refugees. They have learnt that sustainable lifestyle means relationship, creativity, minimising unnecessary consumption and it is a life-long commitment.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 95845 Eur
Project Coordinator
Staedtisches Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium Muenchen & Country: DE
Project Partners
- Galatasaray Lisesi
- Liceo Garofano Capua
- Zespol Szkol w Tuchowiczu
- 1st High School of Triandria