“Teaching the Future” Marks a Successful Conclusion for Implementing Climate Change Education in Schools
After two transformative years, the ambitious “Teaching the Future” project is drawing to a close, leaving behind an indelible mark on climate change education. Launched with the vision to integrate climate education into school curricula, this project has far exceeded its initial goals, fundamentally reshaping how climate change is taught in classrooms. Explore the pedagogical report on climate education
At the heart of its success are the innovative resources and methodologies developed for educators and providing access to authentic climate data in dashboards of histoical temperature and precipitation and future forecasts of the predicted temperatures across the globe. These resources demonstrate the warming climate. Visit the digital climate data dashboards
Recognizing the multidisciplinary nature of climate change, “Teach the Future” has crafted a diverse array of teaching materials. These range from interactive games that engage students in environmental stewardship, to comprehensive lesson plans that weave climate awareness into subjects like science, geography, and even literature. Find out more about the project results
Understanding that change begins with educators, the project has placed significant emphasis on teacher training to effectively communicate the complexities of climate change. Visit the onlione teacher training course
The project’s legacy includes a network of informed and enthusiastic educators, ready to inspire a new generation of environmentally conscious students.
Looking ahead, the success of “Teach the Future” serves as a blueprint for future educational initiatives.
Since the focus of the project is equipping educators and students with new skills, it is demonstrated that with the right tools and commitment, schools can play a pivotal role in shaping a more sustainable future. Visit the teacher stories from the project