Technology Enhanced Learning and Lighening – TELL it to the world Erasmus Project
General information for the Technology Enhanced Learning and Lighening – TELL it to the world Erasmus Project
Project Title
Technology Enhanced Learning and Lighening – TELL it to the world
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses
Project Summary
By implementing the project “Technology Enhanced Learning and Lightening – TELL it to the world” our special aim was to conduct TEL in our classrooms, bring it to a superior level – Lightening – and then share it to other members of the European educational community: TELL it to the world.
The coordinator was Colegiul National CANTEMIR-VODA from Bucharest, Romania and the partners were:
Jacopo del Duca – Diego Bianca Amato, from Cefalu, Italy
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Gymnasium Windsbach, from Windsbach, Germany
Lycée général et technologique Pierre Poivre, from Saint Joseph, France.
The Comenius and Erasmus+ experience was important for the good implementation.
The duration of the project is 24 months, starting on 1st of September 2017.
The objectives of the project were:
1) developing students’ digital skills in: editing digital materials, accessing the internet efficiently and responsibly in order to acquire new and valuable things, using the virtual groups on current social networks for educational purposes;
2) developing pedagogical skills to our teachers who will improve their teaching with the help of modern technology and they will make their lessons more attractive;
3) intensifying co-operation between European educational institutions by exchanging models of good practice in e-learning.
Before proposing the project we ensured ourselves that the objectives are SMART.
The tasks and responsibilities among the partners was as we distributed them in the application:
-Romania: conceiving and monitoring, web design
-Turkey: promoting and sustainability, e-learning
-Italy: ensuring communication, social media in education
-Germany: assessment, using the internet in education
-France: dissemination, using audio-video in education.
The meetings were organized as we planned:
2 transnational project meetings, in Romania and Turkey
4 short-term joint staff training events, in Germany, Italy, France and Romania
2 short-term exchanges of groups of pupils, in Germany and France
2 blended mobility sessions of school learners, in Italy and Romania.
The results during the project are:
1) the pupils’ digital skills to edit video files, PowerPoint files, to conceive basic web pages, to access the internet efficiently and responsibly in order to acquire new and valuable things as well as to use virtual groups on current social networks for educational purposes are improved.
2) increased number of digital lessons in the partnered institutions.
3) students’ school results are improved decreasing the risk of early school leaving
4) increased motivation of pupils for learning and self-learning
5) intensified exchanges of experience in e-learning.
Additional results are obtained: students’ and teachers’ developed language skills, greater team spirit, critical thinking, larger cultural horizon, higher tolerance and understanding towards other fellows.
The main outcomes of the project are:
-a website to promote TEL;
-a virtual group of teachers and students interested in e-learning;
-a video tutorial on the topic of web design.
94 pupils with fewer opportunities (disabilities, health problems, economical difficulties) were involved in the project.
In order to achieve the project objectives we proposed a wide variety of activities for implementation, communication, promotion, designing particular tools, monitoring, assessment, dissemination, sustainability, organizing project meetings (as host or guest), selection of the people involved, logistic responsibilities and duties, training in ICT/linguistic/pedagogical/cultural domain. All activities were listed in the Gantt chart of the partnership and for each of them, we developed a plan that included: target groups, people in charge, the activity’s objectives, its content, location, time and duration, methods and means used, expected results, evaluation tools and methods, budget.
We also had plans for handling risks which could happen during the project.
Among the most relevant activities were: class attendance in partnered schools and training activities and workshops for students/teachers, done locally and transnationally, and dissemination of the project results. At the end of training activities within the transnational meetings, arrangements for recognition or validation of the learning outcomes of the participants were done (Europass Mobility).
The project had a great impact at the local, regional, national, European and/or international levels: more motivated students, more attractive lessons prepared by the teacher using the modern technology, more friendly schools, new European partnerships or other Erasmus+ projects in the field TEL.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 148211 Eur
Project Coordinator
Colegiul National CANTEMIR-VODA & Country: RO
Project Partners
- Lycée général et technologique Pierre Poivre
- Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Gymnasium Windsbach
- IISS Jacopo del Duca – Diego Bianca Amato