Translation and creation of virtual patients

A large work of the iCoViP consortium will be on the creation and translation of virtual patients (VPs). For that purpose each partner has now successfully recruited clinicians and medical students to work on these virtual patients. After an initial workshop on important didactical aspects of VPs, that are specially designed for the training of… Continue reading Translation and creation of virtual patients
Translation and creation of virtual patients
November 17, 2021 6:13 pm

A large work of the iCoViP consortium will be on the creation and translation of virtual patients (VPs). For that purpose each partner has now successfully recruited clinicians and medical students to work on these virtual patients. After an initial workshop on important didactical aspects of VPs, that are specially designed for the training of clinical reasoning, we are now having bi-weekly meetings to discuss open questions and our progress.

After the VPs have been created in English, the authors will receive feedback from didactically experienced partners, before then content matter experts will also provide a review and finally a native speaker will check for any needed language and grammar improvements. Fianlly, the VP in English will be translated by all partners into their languages – Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and German.

You can access our steadily growing pool of publicly available VPs under Just login with your university credentials or sign up with any email address. Abou 75 VPs are available already, especially in English, German, Polish, and Spanish and more will follow soon! An overview about these VPs provides our blueprint, which we update on a regular basis.

Want to learn more about virtual patients?

Short introduction into virtual patients