Ulysseus launches a BIP in Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models for the Cultural and Creative Industry

This course will take place from 21 November 2022 until 27 January 2023 and is organised by the Innovation Hub of Arts, Tourism and Heritage at the University of Genoa, Italy. 

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Ulysseus launches a BIP in Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models for the Cultural and Creative Industry
November 4, 2022 2:18 pm

Are you a post-graduate student of Ulysseus interested in entrepreneurship in the creative sector?

If so, have a look at the information below as this course may be of your interest! The application process is only open until 13 November 2022.

The Innovation Hub of Arts, Tourism and Heritage based at the University of Genoa in Italy is organising a Blended Intensive Programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models for the Cultural and Creative IndustryThis course will take place from 21 November 2022 until 27 January 2023 and will consists of a series of virtual and in-person lectures and workshops taught by academic staff specialised in the subject from the different partner universities of Ulysseus.

Key objectives of this course

This course offers a learning opportunity for post-graduate students of the Ulysseus’ partner universities to engage with peers establishing new research collaborations and to seize entrepreneurial opportunities, to develop through practical and theoretical learning.

The training aims at developing hard and soft skills related to economics and entrepreneurship, giving interdisciplinary competences to students interested in the cultural and creative sectors. Through applied activities and self-driven studies, the theoretical approach will provide a broad overview of the major economic and business features to promote entrepreneurship, giving an extensive perspective on the best practices in the European and international contexts. Additionally, the practical aspect of the course will tackle the main topics concerning the cultural enterprise in each of the partner countries with a problem-learning approach, proposing a participatory design and a comparative analysis of the cultural sectors.

The BIP programme will tackle the following topics:

  1. Define the creative industries in different European countries and worldwide. Frame distinctive features and strategies operating in the creative industries, illustrating innovative models though which the organisations can be financially viable;
  2. Tackle the different challenges and opportunities in different European countries proposing comparative analysis and a broad range of theoretical and practical case studies
  3. Analyse Business Models and Business Models canvas, revenues and cost analysis, applying analytical, planning and control tools;
  4. Define measuring performance in creative industries, analysing and critically evaluating the business model and governance solutions of an organisation operating in the creative industry;

Plan of study

Online (2 hours per week, integrated with independent studies)

Week 1 | 21-25 November 2022

  • Introduction by Prof. Tei – Prof Dameri, University of Genova
  • Budgeting and Business Strategies by Prof. Dameri, University of Genova
  • Governance and Cultural policies by Prof. Heredia-Carroza, University of Seville

Week 2 | 28 November – 2 December 2022

  • Innovative Business Model and Green Business Planning by Dr. Javanainen by Haaga-Helia StartUp School and Workshop in Testing business models with customers by Dr. Javanainen, Haaga-Helia StartUp School

Week 3 | 5-9 December 2022

  • Cultural participation and audience development by Prof. Šebová, Technical University of Košice
  • Measuring impact in the cultural sector by Prof. Šebová, Technical University of Košice


In-person at Genoa (Italy) from 12-16 December 2022

Participatory activities of co-creation will be integrated with study trips and experiential learning. Combining both practical and theoretical activities, the in-person week will tackle the following questions: How to develop business idea in the Cultural and Creative Industries? How it can be scalable in other countries in Europe?

The week will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction and state of the arts. Arts, Design, and prototyping by Prof. Kitta, Technical University of Košice
  • Cultural and Creative Industry characteristics and market organisation by Prof. Tei – Prof. Ferrari, University of Genova
  • Financial, budgeting and reporting activities by Prof. Dameri and Prof. Spinelli, University of Genova
  • Digital Business Models for the cultural and Creative Industry by Dr. Bruzzone, University of Genova
  • Artists legal rights by Prof. Heredia-Carroza, University of Seville
  • Communication and marketing by Prof. Profumo and Prof. Musso, University of Genova
  • Workshop: Learning digital tools and applied data visualisation by Prof. Kitta, Technical University of Košice

Online Follow-up 9-27 January 2022

The three follow-up weeks will be dedicated to developing individual projects and assignments, integrated by a short introduction to service developments and pre-incubation programmes hold by the Technical University of Košice

Some details about the course and how to register

  • The course is free of charge
  • It involve 15 post-graduate students on Master and PhD level enrolled this academic year in one of the six universities of the Ulysseus alliance.
  • The course will be held in English, so a good command of the language is recommended.
  • For all participants is mandatory attend the 5-days activities in-presence in Genoa, Italy.
  • Check out this presentation with all details of this course
  • Fill in the following registration form. The deadline is 13 November 2022. 

Contact details

Organised by the Ulysseus Innovation Hub in Arts, Tourism and Heritage

Clio Flego Innovation Hub Officer cliofabiana.flego@unige.it

Alessio Tei Innovation Hub Coordinator alessio.tei@unige.it

University of Genoa Department of Economics

Via Vivaldi 5, Genoa (IT)



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