Use the YOCO cards anywhere via this online tool
The partnership has great news. As the past two years has made it evident the need for online digital tools is in demand more than ever. Therefore the consortium decided to adapt the coaching cards into digital format as well. If you follow this link you will be able to use the YOCO cards […]
The post Use the YOCO cards anywhere via this online tool appeared first on Apel-project.
The partnership has great news. As the past two years has made it evident the need for online digital tools is in demand more than ever.
Therefore the consortium decided to adapt the coaching cards into digital format as well. If you follow this link you will be able to use the YOCO cards in bolgarian version as an online tool for your youth work. In January we will make available also the digital version of english, dutch and slovenian YOCO cards.
The post Use the YOCO cards anywhere via this online tool appeared first on Apel-project.