General information for the UNESCO CULTURE AMBASSADORS Erasmus Project

September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title


Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Teaching and learning of foreign languages; Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Project Summary

Cultural heritage is not limited to concrete objects that we see and touch.There are also abstract elements that contribute to the formation of this heritage, such as traditions passing from generation to generation,oral history, performing arts, practices in society, traditional craftsmanship, traditional ceremonies.

Cultural heritage; In addition to the artistic or scientific values they carry,they should be preserved because of their “common heritage of humanity”.The duty of protecting these values is undoubtedly under the responsibility of the state institutions and then the educational institutions within the framework of the laws.

One of the educational objectives of the European Union is “to raise individuals with a shared cultural heritage awareness.The greatest responsibility in the transfer and protection of cultural heritage to new generations falls on teachers and schools who play a role in raising conscious students.

According to the Eurobarometer report published by the European Union, the majority of the participants (88%) agree that Europe Cultural Heritage should be taught in schools.The first and most important feature of cultural heritage education is that it increases the child’s understanding and knowledge about the history and value of their environment. Another aim of cultural heritage education is; to help students discover different historical,cultural heritages,to enable students to gain knowledge,experience through the discovery of cultural heritage.

Founded in 1954,UNESCO has established international conventions to protect cultural heritage,strengthen intercultural understanding ,emphasize the importance of international cooperation.

Here is this project;With 5 different schools in cities or regions on the UNESCO World Heritage List in Europe, it aims to achieve the following objectives in brief with regard to cultural heritage:
1.To recognize the wide cultural heritage diversity of the European Union, promoting cultural awareness,
2.To confirm that respect for cultural diversity,human rights, tolerance, dialogue ,cooperation is the best guarantee of peace and security at the international level within the framework of mutual trust and understanding,
3.To give our students a sense of belonging to a European Union with a strong cultural identity,continuity with UNESCO World Heritage knowledge,
4.To develop self-confidence by giving students 21st century skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, innovation, collaboration, communication and presentation,
5.To increase the academic success of the students
6.To promote ,expand the principles and ideals of UNESCO,
7.To raise conscious, new generation of relevant citizens who can realize the need to protect common cultural heritage,
8.To try to motivate students for lifelong learning in a fun and innovative way and to understand the importance of the school in this process,
9.To improve the foreign language skills of the students,
10.To increase the sensitivity of families and society about the importance of cultural heritage
11.To create a common European identity in the participants,

This project titled “UNESCO CULTURAL AMBASSADORS”, which will last 24 months, aims “Cooperation for the Change of Innovation and Good Practices”.
The project mobility will be attended by 2 accompanying teachers and 5 students. Students will be between 14-18
PROJECT CYCLE METHOD will be used in the project as a methodology.
The project, which aims to promote and protect the diversity of concrete and abstract cultural heritage, includes the following activities:
1.Culture Stand Creation-Historical Venue Promotions and Trips
2.Traditional Handicrafts-Traditional Kids Games-dances
3.Participation in courses
4.Proverbs and idioms dictionary

Various questionnaires, analysis, evaluation and acquisition forms, tests and e-Twinning will be evaluated through on-line meetings to understand if the project objectives have been achieved

With this project, the participants;
1.will discover the European cultural heritage diversity,
2.be more sensitive and tolerant towards cultural diversity, human rights and environmental protection,
3.will play an active role in the protection of cultural heritage,
4.will improve foreign language skills,
5.Their academic success will increase, their self-confidence will also improve.
6.will be motivated for lifelong learning,
7.gain 21st century skills such as interpreting, analyzing, synthesizing
8 will learn about different education and training methods,

This project will briefly contribute to the development of schools in the long term:
1.It will gain an international identity.
2.Schools’ interest in cultural heritage will increase ,they will carry out exemplary activities
3.New collaborations will be established.
4.Schools will motivate their students for lifelong learning by applying the fun,innovative educational methods they will acquire.
5.There will be institutions that protect cultural heritage

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 156015 Eur

Project Coordinator

Instituto de Educación Secundaria José de Mora & Country: ES

Project Partners

  • Cirkevne gymnazium sv Mikulasa
  • Vilniaus savivaldybes Grigiskiu gimnazija