Unite Ambassadors- for Peace and Cohesion Program Erasmus Project

General information for the Unite Ambassadors- for Peace and Cohesion Program Erasmus Project

Unite Ambassadors- for Peace and Cohesion Program Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Unite Ambassadors- for Peace and Cohesion Program

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Recognition, transparency, certification; Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development); Inclusion – equity

Project Summary

Unite Ambassadors (for Peace and Cohesion) was a Strategic Partnership project to produce and share a social education focused ambassador program for young people. Created by a mixture of four secondary schools, a local authority and two civic organisations from the UK, Hungary and Estonia. The socio-education scheme trains young people to champion a youth lead approach to combating discrimination, segregation, stereotypes, prejudice, inequality or isolation. Promoting respect, inclusion, trust, communication, identity, advocacy and equality inside school/ youth environments and within the communities where they live.

The Unite Ambassadors scheme is packaged in a accessible and translatable website, for use by mentors and those who will be trained as Unite Ambassadors. Spreading the ethos of cohesion, peace and inclusion; reinforcing the positive message and making school and community life a environment that is supportive, nurturing, inclusive and reflective of EU values. Live on the site there is a wealth of background information to embed the scheme within a variety of youth orientated settings; as well as how to link it into learning objectives, curriculum and policies connected to formal education. There is access to translatable guidance supporting the effective delivery of the training program and additional sessions aimed at guiding and enhancing the flexible program to increase its effectiveness and relevance for different countries and settings.

The trained Unite Ambassadors deliver the message of positive cohesion, whilst supporting their peers in acquiring knowledge rather than building their opinions based on social media and national press. They will lead civic activities and social action initiatives supported by a ‘mentor’; to make a difference in their community, as well as being a role model and ambassador within their youth and school setting.

Schools, organisations and other youth leaders known as ‘Mentors’ have access to online resources to train and support Unite Ambassadors, through accessing session plans, tools and activities to support their sessions for their Ambassadors in daily school life. Unite Ambassadors has been piloted by groups across the three nations, including young people who have special educational needs, home schooled, from minority groups, mono-cultural areas and those from disadvantaged, rural or low income backgrounds between the ages of 14-18 years.

The scheme has a bespoke certification attached and offers accessible criteria for localised accreditation. Unite Ambassadors could also link to the International Duke of Edinburgh Award (units) available across Europe; which allows Unite Ambassadors to be used by varying abilities and levels of learners, as well as linking into key curriculum outcomes.

Over three years, the Strategic Partnership worked on designing and honing this scheme with input direct from young people. The young people in the partnership were an integral part to insuring the scheme is relevant, applicable and effective in helping to develop understanding and knowledge, as well as impacting positively on the health and well being of the young people in schools operating the scheme. Thus providing a greater responsiveness to social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity; which will be beneficial to their future employment and life pathways from the encouragement of active citizenship, inclusion and cohesion found within Unite Ambassadors.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 117285 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Võhma Vaba Aja Keskus
  • Alfriston School
  • Kanepi Gümnaasium
  • Kohtla-Järve Maleva Põhikool
  • Sillamäe Vanalinna Kool