Unleash your potential for (audio)visual COMmunication Erasmus Project

General information for the Unleash your potential for (audio)visual COMmunication Erasmus Project

Unleash your potential for (audio)visual COMmunication Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Unleash your potential for (audio)visual COMmunication

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2018

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills

Project Summary

The development of technology, exponential in recent years, has transformed the way in which we relate, interact and communicate. Almost all people have access to mobiles, tablets or computers, which put communication tools in their hands. Just some data to contextualize: the number of mobile cards in the world (SIM used exclusively by people) was 7,800 million in 2017 (GSMA annual Mobile Economy report); Whatsapp supposes 60,000 million messages daily; this communication network and YouTube have 1,500 million active users per month, and Instagram 1,000 million. In addition, 80% of all content consumed online is audiovisual.

However, and despite the fact that most adults use these tools, we cannot affirm that they have the necessary skills to understand and have real communication through them. Audiovisual communication goes beyond technical skills and involves mastering the audiovisual language. Audiovisual language is a code that is guided by rules that allow us to produce messages combining images (also in movement) and, sometimes, also sound.

The audiovisual narrative is the key factor for communication. European adults need to activate and develop their skills in order to be, not only receivers of audiovisual communications, but also to produce and share their own messages. For this, they have to be able to understand the audiovisual language, build their message and create their story, select the most appropriate means to transmit their message (video, image, illustration), know and use technologies (programs and / or applications) that allow them to “write” their message and select critically.

Thus, the project has worked to achieve these objectives, and developed a Training in Visual Narrative and Communication (audio), which is available openly and free online, in 5 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Bulgarian and Polish.

The project has been deployed around various activities, some of them transversal, which have been essential to guarantee the correct development of the project (they are those of management, evaluation and dissemination). And others, more specific to the creation of the IO – Training in narrative and visual (audio) communication, and which include:
1. Working groups with experts in adult training and audiovisual communication – 23 professionals participated in national groups to provide support and guidance for the creation of the IO.
2. Design and development of content, programming and creation of OERs, creation of communities, publication of the online program.
3. Testing with users and experts – 577 people participated in the Facebook communities (one in each partners language, plus English), and 100 answered the evaluation questionnaires.
4. Application of improvements and publication of final IO.

During the implementation of the project, especially since the creation of the IO, a broad impact has been achieved. Thus, in addition to the aforementioned figures, we have verified the access of 920 people to the modules of the Online Training Program. Also, thanks to the support of the multiplier events, in which more than 80 representatives of organizations, adults and other stakeholders participated, or of social networks, through which we have achieved more than 2000 interactions, and 2063 visits to the project website.

Thus, these results continue to improve despite the fact that the project has ended, and we see how the accesses are maintained and the partners are making use of the training materials with their students.

We believe that these positive results are sustainable, since their use is allowing us to detect areas for improvement (mainly motivated by new features in Apps or resources), which are shared through Facebook communities, and are easily implemented in online modules, thanks to the design software used (Rise Articulate). This allows us to make immediate changes to the content, which is also perfectly displayed from any type of device (mobile, Tablet, PC)

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 59595 Eur

Project Coordinator

Asociación Moviéndote por la Integración y la Participación Ciudadana & Country: ES

Project Partners

  • 36,6 Competence Centre
  • EURO-training