Your KITE- The initiative to enhance Young people Knowledge and skills on IT and Entrepreneurship and increase their Employability Erasmus Project
General information for the Your KITE- The initiative to enhance Young people Knowledge and skills on IT and Entrepreneurship and increase their Employability Erasmus Project
Project Title
Your KITE- The initiative to enhance Young people Knowledge and skills on IT and Entrepreneurship and increase their Employability
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2015
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment
Project Summary
YourKITE project developed digital media and communication skills of young people, and promoted volunteering and professional orientation in order to ease the youth’s access to the labor market. At the same time, the project promoted entrepreneurship among youth as a way out of unemployment, by developing entrepreneurship knowledge and skills of young people. YourKITE project provided an integrative approach to train and capacitate young people to become skillful entrepreneurs and employees. The project aimed to develop the skills and competences of young people through the following activities:
– the creation, for partners use and for other youth organizations and NGOs, of the yourKITE toolkit – a manual for young trainers to conduct workshops on media & communication, entrepreneurship, volunteering and career counseling practices, that can be used to enhance youth employability;
– the development and improvement of skills and knowledge of partners’ staff, through joint staff short-term learning activities and sharing of good practices among partners, on the topics of media & communication, entrepreneurship, volunteering and career counseling;
– 18 young trainers were trained to use the toolkit in a transnational training, developing their knowledge and skills on the topics mentioned above, but also on how to conduct workshops for youth; then, they reached 466 young people (14-17 years old) conducted workshops in their community and help the young people to develop skills and knowledge on media & communication, entrepreneurship, volunteering, while planning better their future career;
– the creation of online training courses on the same topics, for which 113 people enrolled; the online training courses will be further used by partners and other stakeholders in their current or future projects;
– the creation of the online platform –, that provide open access to all the educational tools developed in the project, and to other valuable resources for youth workers, NGOs, youth organizations for enhancing young people’s employability by developing essential skills needed on the labor market;
– the insight report of the project developed to support other NGOs to organize similar projects, for youth, and and in the international context.
The yourKITE toolkit for young trainers, on media and communication, entrepreneurship, volunteering and career counseling, together with the online training courses will be kept online, and these will be integrated in the partners’ regular services provided to young people. Thus, all the partners commit to use the intellectual outputs in their further projects/activities, to provide for free these to their stakeholders or new partners, and to annually train young people/volunteers using the teaching materials created.
The project was implemented by:
***Norsensus Mediaforum (Norway) with relevant expertise on media and communication, digital skills development, visual storytelling, marketing, visual communication, design, and on working with youth, especially coming for disadvantaged groups, such as migrants;
***Fundatia Danis (Romania) with relevant expertise on entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial skills, social entrepreneurship, career orientation for youth, on organizing training courses and workshops for youth, and on providing internships for young people;
***FRW, then followed by FAIR (Poland) with relevant expertise on working with youth, including disadvantaged groups, on developing workshops for children and young people, on volunteering activities and on developing life skills through volunteering activities;
***FRSI (Poland) with relevant expertise on developing digital skills of young people, on working with youth and young adults, on providing career orientation and career counseling, and on organizing webinars and online training courses.
Stakeholders: 59 Norwegian, Polish, Romanian and international youth organizations, entrepreneurship centers, high schools, universities, and other NGOs were targeted during the project, mainly through the dissemination activities, through joint staff training courses, where they were invited as relevant stakeholders to provide specific support to the partners, but also through feedback activities, when they were involved in providing their inputs for the yourKITE toolkit, and for the online training course and the yourKITE platform.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 137798,5 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Fundacja Rozwoju Wolontariatu/Volunteering Development Foundation