YOUROPE: You in Europe Erasmus Project
General information for the YOUROPE: You in Europe Erasmus Project
Project Title
YOUROPE: You in Europe
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy; International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation
Project Summary
“Yourope: You in Europe” is a KA2 Erasmus+ project about European history, citizenship, and dilemmas, including contemporary topics such as the refugee question, the sense of European belonging (or the lack of it) and the need for solidarity. Meant for students aged ten to fifteen, “Yourope” officially ended by the end of August 2019, although ideas keep flowing and will, for sure, lead to new initiatives between the involved schools/countries. Students need to be proactive citizens and to learn about the European Past to understand its Present and Future. To enlarge students’ knowledge, conscience and sensibility on such issues was the main aim of this project. This is also a story of hard work, resilience and growing enthusiasm, as the school library got more and more important throughout the process.
Some Erasmus+ projects place European citizenship/agenda as a collateral topic, but we wanted, from the very beginning, to put it in the centre of attention, committing our students to their role as Europeans. Our motto has always been: “this project is all about YOU in Europe and not somebody else”, as written in capital letters in the webpage of the project: Thus, we believe it had/has a strong European added value, which can be an inspiration for other schools or institutions.
To reach the philosophy previously explained we planned the project as follows:
a) first year’s theme – “Glocal Europe (balance between what’s gloBal and Local)”: activities focused on the Past of Europe, to better understand the Present;
b) second year’s theme – “What about tomorrow?”: activities focused on the Present and Future of Europe and what each of us can do to build a better Europe.
In the project there were about 1000 participants directly or indirectly involved in the activities, from the five participating countries: Portugal, Hungary, Finland, Romania and Turkey. Many more learned about this project due to the numerous dissemination activities, which surpassed all expectations. All activities were disseminated in the website, Facebook group page and eTwinning platform.
All the planned activities, as explained in the website, were fulfilled with great quality and with a different approach in each involved school. That contributed to the richness and sustainability of the project, as well as its impact. The role of the school library as the heart of the school was reinforced, but there was also an inner transformation of the youngsters. Erasmus students really improved their sense of active citizenship and proactive attitude in the view of the challenges and opportunities that daily life offers, not only in their homeland but also in Europe as a whole. Gradually, they were not afraid of giving their opinion (however different it might be) when trying to solve a problem. They understood that seeking innovative solutions means taking risks and that these, no matter how successful or unsuccessful they may be, build us as human beings. Finally, they became more attentive and improved social inclusion, language speaking competences and group work abilities.
Europe ceased to be an abstraction and became the face of hundreds of people more and more familiar as long as the project progressed, and afterwards. Different living ways and unfamiliar languages became clearer and clearer and will, for sure, be a starting point for various professional and personal projects. The notions of European belonging, political/economic forces, human rights and democracy are not something indistinct any longer, something just slightly heard of in “school benches”, but a new way of thinking and of understanding life, common to all participants. It had a long-term benefit for teachers too. They improved their language and teaching competences, thus influencing their personal satisfaction and the valuing of their daily work (as active trainers who help students with the necessary skills).
Parents were moved by a commitment to the educational process of their children and by an improvement in their attitude to support them in all future challenging initiatives.
Good memories of “Yourope” will remain, and new international projects are already taking form/being planned, leading to new initiatives and common dynamics. Due to its tremendous potential, the school library will always be included as a crucial piece of the puzzle.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 108190 Eur
Project Coordinator
Agrupamento Escolas Colmeias & Country: PT
Project Partners
- Soukan koulu
- Debreceni Vörösmarty Mihály Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Muveszeti Iskola
- Liceul Teoretic MIkes Kelemen