Boosting adult career management and key competences for inclusion and employability through social media Erasmus Project
General information for the Boosting adult career management and key competences for inclusion and employability through social media Erasmus Project
Project Title
Boosting adult career management and key competences for inclusion and employability through social media
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal)
Project Summary
AGEFACTOR project insists on increasing the competences of educators and professionals in the adult education field to promote them for personal and professional branding. In particular, it targets over 50 age group, with an intergenerational approach to provide digital and transversal skills to create social reputation, professional credibility and to be able to increase the opportunity for lifelong employability.Evidence shows that too many people in the EU still do not have the skills required ranging from the most basic ones to the transversal skills such as communication, problem solving, digital competences, initiative taking etc… EUROSTAT data (digital scoreboard – Eurostat, ICT Households/Individuals Survey) confirm that older generations in many EU countries lag behind in the use of internet and mobile internet.The project capitalizes on the potential of social media as tools for lifelong guidance and employability, working on reinforcement and development of key and transversal (e-)skills of > 50 age groups, also with the involvement of younger generations. In fact, the project intends to create an EU platform for adult educators, trainers and career guidance to make social media – and their value for employability, professional branding and reputation – available to mature workers.The project consortium is made up of an alliance of 10 partners, covering 8 EU countries. Most organizations have a long-standing and complementary experience on the project’s focus. IIt is made of local/regional authorities (Newry and Mourne, Veneto Lavoro and the Development Agency of Santa Cruz of Tenerife) dealing with employment and local development, higher education (University of Latvia, CARDET), adult education and business support providers (Forcoop, IPZ, Prizma, FCI), led by a EU-wide network who work in the field of human capital appraisal in light of demographic changes (Tandem Plus). Adult learners: This is the main target group of the project (over 50 primarily, but with a role also for and younger generations). Adult trainers, facilitators, coaches and HR will be involved in the analysis and development phases, thorough the participation in the focus group, and the validation (peer review) of the state of art and first pilot of the AGEFACTOR experience . Trainers will also be involved in the short joint stafftraining. Finally, the global number will be involved during the local and transnational exploitation events, both as invitees and experts in the field. Companies and stakeholders are the “mover and shaker” for the project because it is the most important target that has to buy-in the project’s approach and developed tools. Enlarged networks and other stakeholders will also be reached through the dissemination activities, as participants of events and recipients of information. The project is designed according to the main tenets of project management cycle and the activities leading to the outputs can be briefly summarized into three main phases: Phase 1: Baseline Analysis and sharing . The deliverables are represented by 7 country reports, a EU compendium and one transnational report (output 1). Phase 2: Development of the AGEFACTOR activities and pathways. The deliverables are a concrete set of methodological and training material (so-called BOOSTER-O2 and CAMPAIGNS-O3) . The material will be prepartory for the main entry point of the AGEFACTOR experience, (so-called online and offline COMPASS- O4) .Phase 3: Pilot Testing and evaluation of the tools. The final deliverable is represented by a final assessment (05), a comprehensive report that will also include recommendations to pave the way for mainstreaming of test into ordinary practice and presented to local, national and EU stakeholders through the dissemination events. As a result of testing, implementation and dissemination of the project’s approach, the expected impact is:- On adult learners (different ages, primarily over 50, but also younger generations, with diverse skills and life experiences). Improved capability and skills to manage their career, to let emerge talents, to collaborate, use social media, improve digital literacy and transversal skills. – on SMEs: enhances awareness of social HR functions such as selections and induction of prospective workers in finding the right skills (present or needed in the companies) for the new challenges ahead, avoiding potential deadweight losses; On both previous groups: increased participation in lifelong learning opportunities, take-up of ICT tools to assess skills’ needs and development, emergence of transversal talents/skills The AGEFACTOR project has been thought as a transnational experience that maximizes the available ICT social media and tools to boost their potential for learning. Partners are therefore committed to achieving mainstreaming and continuous adaptation well beyond the project’s cycle, also through the creation of the AGEFACTOR alliance after its end (O6).
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 277109 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Sociedad de Desarrollo de Santa Cruz de Tenerife S.A.U.
- Fédération des Centres d’Insertion
- Institut pro zeny, z. s.