DIGITAL GRIOTS Erasmus Project

General information for the DIGITAL GRIOTS Erasmus Project

DIGITAL GRIOTS Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title


Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy

Project Summary

In the 21st century, the use of technology and being online are a way of life. That is why, being good digital citizens and coaching students to model good digital citizenship and safe online behavior takes on greater importance. The Internet is becoming a primary hub for everything from communication and education to commerce and social networking. For each of these venues, we must strive to agree upon consistent values and limitations which will prevent people from being exposed to content such as extreme violence, pornography, gambling, or illegal downloads. As we move forward into an era driven by the capacities of online media, the issue of access must be addressed. This is the world we live in. We need to be ready for it – that’s why digital readiness isn’t just about deciding when or when your child shouldn’t have access to smart devices. It’s about how and when you to teach them to protect themselves long after you lay down the parental controls. Too often we are seeing students as well as adults misusing and abusing technology but not sure what to do. The issue is more than what the users do not know but what is considered appropriate technology usage. The purpose of this project is to equip the technology users with vital skills to survive in the digital world.In order to develop digital literacy, the following topics will be studied during the project;
– Information Literacy
– Communication Literacy
– Visual Literacy
– Social Literacy
– Technology Literacy
– Media Literacy
The project’s objectives are;
-develop digital literacy skills of the participants
-develop a strategy for using skills in information literacy over an extended period of time;
-teach students about both the benefits and risks of the online world and help students stay safer there
-monitor progress and adapt strategy as necessary, to achieve the quality of outcomes required.
-evaluate overall strategy and present outcomes from your work, including citations and a bibliography.
-become a confident “Digital Citizenship Champion” in their community.
-recognise where there is a knowledge or information ‘gap’, and identify what type of information you need to fill it.
There are partners from Turkey,Bulgaria,Greece,Poland,Portugal and England. There will be 6 transnational project meetings in our 2-year project.The project staff will attend those meetings.The first transnational meeting is designed as the kick-off meeting in Turkey.(October,2017)In this meeting we will follow the definition of the base elements of ourproject and other project planning activities. This meeting will introduce the members of the project team and provide the opportunity to discuss the role of team members again.The second transnational project meeting will be in Bulgaria which will be mainly on ”Exploitation”.(April,2018)The third transnational project meeting will be in Portugal to discuss how to raise the visibility of the project.(June,2018).The fourth transnational project meeting will be in Poland to prepare a dissemination plan altogether.(October,2018) The fifth transnational project meeting will be in April,2019 in England to find some ways to ensure that project deliverables remain available in the foreseeable future(sustainability of the project).The final transnational project meeting will be in Greece in June,2019 to evaluate all the project activities(Evaluation).We hope that this project will be able to contribute to the awareness towards the importance of digital literacy.
The outputs of the project will be accesible for everyone through the website and also in a ready to use form distributed by coordinator We will also send mails and other communication towards schools and regional authorities. Since the outputs will be in English the language barrier might be a problem, but on the website we will provide translations in all the project partners languages. Afterwards users form other countires will be able to add their own mothertongue.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 117365 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Liceo Classico e linguistico carmine sylos
  • Crook Primary School
  • 144 Secondary School Narodni Buditeli
  • Zespol Szkol im.Marii Sklodowskiej-Curie w Dzialoszynie
  • Agrupamento de Escolas de Alcochete