FEMIN’ART Erasmus Project
General information for the FEMIN’ART Erasmus Project
Project Title
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2014
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Open and distance learning; Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers
Project Summary
This project is based on the conviction of the three cultural organisations engaged in this project:
The arts centre of Ukmergé in Lithuania, the arts centre of Marfu in Hungary, the movement of the Rural households in France
“The women must take the floor in public space to bring and suggest alternatives to the sociétaux problems posed today in the world. Processes of education put in resonance with various European countries and thus various cultures made emerge teaching new fashions adapted to the adults and take into account their experiments and their competences.”
The innovation rests on the capacity which had these women to work in a dynamics of research action to reveal the conditions of the expression of the women in public space.
By a collective actuation they produced a knowledge which was confronted with various European cultures; The mirror effect of the involved groups fed the reflection and nourishes the approach.
The methods suggested placed art in the middle of a process of mobilization, communication, expression and thus of education.
By the installation of an artistic teaching process the women made a return on their courses of life and carried out an assessment of their own knowledge and to develop recognition and thus of confidence.
Artistic workshops were organized throughout the program founding an intercultural language.
The works thus completed became the base of the training courses organized within the framework of mixed mobilities whose topics were the following:
Artistic initiatives in rural environment and impact at the territorial level
Transmission of the knowledge to make traditional combined at the present
Art Nature and Créativité
They also inspired work of writings and a work on the reasoned autobiographies.
The challenge of the autobiographical writing to think its practice was the object of a practice individual, social, abstract and professional.
By adapting its personal history and by exploring the moments and key events of its history of life, each one and each one could make emerge
its motivations, and to formulate new questionings.
Exposition FEMIN’ ART realized translated the advance of the people engaged in the process.
This exposition is an invitation to reinterrogate the conditions of the speech of the women so that this one remains sincere and carrying new
models. Accompanied by artists during two years, more than eighty women divided in nine groups met in France, Hungary and Lithuania to make
emerge what they think of their commitment and the expression of the women in public space.
With generosity they were devoted to a difficult exercise: that of the meeting, the exchange, the integrity and the sensitivity.
Without word but only by the prism of plastic creations, they say their intimate mysteries and their relationship with their environment.
The collection of writings (of the INTIMATE WORD TO the PUBLIC EXPRESSION) reveals the various words convened during the program:
Significant word released by the artistic approach suggested (visual arts, writing).
The word intimates which made it possible each one to wonder about the territories that it explored (intimate territories, geographical territories, territories of commitments…).
Secret word that which appears only in the confidence and confidence.
The word which underlines the trace and the prints that one wants to leave
The ordinary words which speak about the daily newspaper but I recall various times and which fit in the collective memory.
The militant words which mark the emancipation of the women.
The teaching platform created to allow the communication between the persons in charge of the program and the groups posed the bases of an intercultural groupware. The tree structure proposed makes it possible to consider a teleworking and a guardianship. This platform will be re-used by global area networks integrating the approach of research action in its formations.
The impact of the program was important at the territorial level (3 collectives of women born of the approach in France, of the collectives of practices artistic created and supported by the arts centres in Hungary and Lithuania) At the national level the initiative will take its place in the program shared Words controlled by several movement of popular education. With the international level of the presentations of the approach already took place in Senegal at the time of a gathering conference of the countries of West Africa.
This movement implemented within the framework of the program ERASMUS + will thus continue with women of other continents (Africa, Quebec);
The intellectual productions could thus be supplemented by new approaches and new glances.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 179212,64 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Martfu Városi Muvelodési Kozpont és Konyvtár
- Ukmerges kulturos centras