Heading for Aveiro on 28 January 2021

On 14 October, the consortium of the Protocols Project, co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ Programme, met online to take stock of the progress made, as well […]
Heading for Aveiro on 28 January 2021
November 19, 2021 4:05 pm

On 14 October, the consortium of the Protocols Project, co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ Programme, met online to take stock of the progress made, as well as to plan next steps.

The upcoming Protocols VET training in the context of Restorative Neurology was the main focus of the meeting. Partners discussed about the hosting of its e-courses, its target audiences, professionals and trainers, and its content. In particular, doctor Humberto Cerrel Bazo provided a presentation on the evidence-based optimization of ‘A FES TASK-ORIENTED APPROACH’ useful for active physical therapy and rehabilitation to be followed at home in SCI patients. Partners will further discuss about the training during their next physical meeting, which will take place in Portugal.

The upcoming Transnational Meeting was the second main topic of the e-call. The gathering will take place in Aveiro on 28 January 2021. The project partner AEVA will host it, with the support of Sword Health, the other Portuguese partner of the project. In preparation of the meeting, the consortium will meet again online by the end of the year.

The agenda of the next online call will include further exchange on the Protocols training and the finalisation of the second Intellectual Output (IO2) of the project: Smart Assessment of starting level of competence and learning outcomes. The IO2, led by the Italian partner Fondazione Lepido Rocco, aims to develop a system for the identification of the participants’ knowledge level before, during and after training activities in the field of restorative neurology.

Interested in learning more about Protocols Project? Do not hesitate to contact us at the Project Coordinator, The Reabilitation Hospital of Motta di Livenza, at research.innovation@ospedalemotta.it.