Innovative training approach for Supportive Living Operators Erasmus Project

General information for the Innovative training approach for Supportive Living Operators Erasmus Project

Innovative training approach for Supportive Living Operators Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Innovative training approach for Supportive Living Operators

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Disabilities – special needs; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal)

Project Summary

Even though technology offers great potential, it is partially exploited by today’s supportive living operators due to the lack of sufficient training and suitable training courses. Since the demand for supportive living operators is expected to grow in the near future, CareVET’s curriculum that combines ICT and wellness competencies is expected to draw attention.

CareVET project’s main objective is to extend the offer of high quality learning opportunities, delivering an up-to-date pioneer curriculum in the field of Supported/Assisted Living. The curriculum addresses the latest’s technological advancements in the assisted living domain, as well as role playing skills and self advocacy promoting techniques that can be utilized by the supportive living operators(SLOs) to improve the beneficiaries’ well being. The toolkit developed as part of the curicullum, demonstrates state of the art solutions in Assisted Living that the SLOs are able to try with beneficiaries during Work Basel Learning. The elearning platform offers modern interfaces(HTML5- responsive design) and was used during the courses, as participants were able to bring their tablets/ laptops and make notes directly on the platform. The e-learning platform is also offering features for self-learning and personalization tools and wizards for role playing scenarios design, implementation and evaluation of the beneficiaries. The CareVET Curriculum includes the following, non-addressed before in supportive living domain, learning outcomes:
(a) Therapeutic role playing techniques that has been found to be very helpful for sensory experience and social interaction,
(b) self advocacy techniques for reducing the isolation of people with disabilities and to give them the tools and experience to take greater control over their own lives,
(c) Social networks developing skills around the beneficiaries with aim the support of their relatives and friends.
(d) Ambient Assisted Living Tools, terminology and interoperability in the Supported Living Care containing information for monitoring programs and tools intended to improve the physical and mental health of the beneficiaries, ambient-assisted living tools, assistive devices, aids and equipment for independent living including terminology and interoperability issues, and ways to create personalized rules and prevent personal/resident hazardous situations.

The partnerships conists of 7 partners with different expertise.
-T.Alexandridis and SIA EE (Applicant) with great experience in European Projects Management and especially LLP and has invest on research on smart monitoring applications.
-Ergastiri that is a non-profit organization that runs four Supported Living Residencies.
– University of Applied Sciences of Frankfurt that has an international profile in science and research and can account for experiences in international and European research projects. Hosts a permanent exhibition and research centre “Independent Living Centre”.
– Tandem, Società Cooperativa Sociale Integrata that is a non-profit organization in the field of disabilities-special needs domain.
– ET LABORA that is a VET provider with expertise in ECVET system. ET LABORA was partner in ICARE Project with title “Improving Mobility and Career Paths for Personal Care and Social Workers”( ET LABORA brought into the project its expertise in ECVET and in EQAVET for the social care domain.
– Cyprus Certification Company that is a company that operates in the field of certification of management systems, certification of training programs and training and exam centers, inspection of playgrounds and playground equipment, inspection of lifts, product certification, CE marking etc.
– SenseWorks that is an SME company with expertise in Assisting Living domain.

The main activities of the project included:
-Development of CareVET curriculum (methodology and contents)
-Development of the ICT tools
-Training realization with the training of 40 individuals in Greece and Italy
-Certification Scheme for the Certification of Assessment
-Exploitation and Dissemination
-Project Management

The project managed to reach all its objectives through efficient communication between the partners, the engagment, experience and expertise they had in different domains and the exchange of this experise for reaching the desired level of results. Regarding exploitation and sustainabilty of results, the courses contents are offered for free from the project’s website, partners Ergastiri and Et Labora are in the process of accreditation of the CareVET methodology towards the National Vocational standards in each Country. Great interest is shown from Frankfurt University for implementing curriculum and the toolkit in Bachelor and Master courses at

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 262278 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • SenseWorks LTD
  • Sillogos goneon ke kidemonon atomon me anapiria TO ERGASTIRI