Strategies for Digitizing Adult Education Erasmus Project

General information for the Strategies for Digitizing Adult Education Erasmus Project

Strategies for Digitizing Adult Education Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Strategies for Digitizing Adult Education

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses

Project Summary

According to the data of the Education and Training Monitor report, the implementation of ICT in educational centres leave a lot to desire. The European countries and their education institutions have thus published national plans for several levels of education in which a set of requirements are expected to comply with, including the presence of an ICT leader that helps the organisation through the digitalisation process.
Adult centres, however, don’t always have access to such profiles.

The project aims to promote the use of ICT in adult centres, in line with the horizontal priority “open and innovative education”. This will be achieved through the implementation of a specific goal: the enhancement of skills and transversal skills of teachers in ICT applied to education, in line with the specific priorities “strengthening the teaching profession”. The project ultimately aims to contribute to the transition into a modern teaching approach, one not just involving ICT but depending on it, and at the same time to raise the awareness of the adult centres, public bodies and local communities of the importance of the use of ICT in an ever-changing world, where education needs to move at the same pace as society.

The partnership is composed of:
– Inercia Digital S.L. (ES), adult training centre and VET centre, working as coordinators.
– IES Jacarandá (ES), public centre with an adult education unit.
– University Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna (PL), university focused on educational research, innovative teaching methods and e-learning.
– Consorzio Lavoro e Ambiente (IT), vocational training agency.
– Casa Corpului Didactic Teleorman (RO), adult education centre responsible of professional development of teachers of the region.
– Sinergia s.c.s. (IT). Non-profit organisation active in the lifelong learning sector.

The project main result is the Toolkit for developing digitalisation strategies for adult education centres, aimed at updating the skills of teachers on the field of ICT and at helping the administrative staff design and execute a plan to start the transition into the digital era. It includes:
– Training manual composed of 5 modules for strategy development and 5 modules for ICT training
– A book of best practices with 43 cases of study regarding ICT implementation
– Pilot activity results with 7 digitalisation plans
– Strategy table to define your own digitalisation strategy

To make more efficient the delivery of the training course, a JSTE of five days was organised at the University AHE (Poland), focused on the following topics:
– E-learning and learning environments for integrated digital teaching
– Creating and maintaining documentation
– Data security
– Information quality, copyright and privacy
– Search, selection and organisation of information
– Development of computational thinking.
– Open educational resources (OER) and construction of digital content.
– Development of interactive e-learning content
– Use of new tools in class
– Use of interactive whiteboard
– Use of collaborative tools for efficient work

The main target group of the project were teachers from adult education centres with the knowledge and motivation to lead a digitalisation process, and the headmasters and assistants that would develop the strategy to implement such transition.

The project has allowed seven adult education centres from the partnership or linked to them, through the 14 participants that attended the training activity, to increase their ICT competences, understanding and adoption, and to lay down a plan to implement a digitalisation change in the mid-term.

The main production of the project, the Toolkit for developing digitalisation strategies, has been highly regarded by the partner’s participants as well as for the external participants of the activities, and have been included totally or partially in the curricula of several adult education centres.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 155732 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Sinergia Società Cooperativa Sociale
  • Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi
  • Consorzio Lavoro e Ambiente