WEBBY Erasmus Project

General information for the WEBBY Erasmus Project

WEBBY Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title


Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2018

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Project Summary

DESCRIPTION:Education has only one purpose.Equip the learners with the new age qualities for tomorrow and changing world needs new types of teaching ways so we have to give chance to the teachers to learn new types of teaching.The reality that teachers are the keys to reach the children and to create more successful schools is the base of our project.
Web 2.0 tools are useful chance to accomplish this.Web2.0 tools are tools of technology that allow teachers and students alike to create, collaborate, edit and share content on-line that is user-generated.The tool helped learners achieve the objectives.The students explored Mars,brain or animal or created their own sheets,working like grapher right from their classrooms.This is exactly what web2.0 tools do.Such virtual expeditions made children addicted to the courses and enabled the teachers to create more creative and easy teaching process.
MANAGEMENT:We determined the list of some kinds of tools and introduced them to the other teachers and students and made them be able to apply these tools. In our project we were countries from Spain,Italy,Poland and Turkey.Spanish partner did not join the project so we went on via other partners.Our students were at the age of 4 and 12.Our activities contained videos teaching the tools and the use of them with students and teachers.The project was assessed via the surveys,reviews,the number of contents and likes,click on website,products such as e-book,worksheets,posters.All th activities will be reported for the progress and final report.each country gave two reports to the coordinator in a year.We determined some risks and measures for them.The most crucial measures were the strong communication and project plan.We could prevent misunderstanding,conflicts,and being late among school staff and partners via communication and shared the tasks.
Regular meetings,seminars and mails prevented the problems and they were chances to keep in touch with one another,rearrange the activites and shared opinions.The key persons to run the activity and duration of the activities were clear and became great mentors.Some mandates and agreements within school were prepared and signed to ensure the project except for force major situations.Permisssion was taken to upload the children’s video and photos on internet.Time and budget plan and checklist were ensured through project plan and deadlines and specialised school plans and reports.All the details were known in advance.Festivals and holidays,climate and air conditions were asked for the meetingsFormal permission papers were supplied for the staff.Language and cultural preparation were done.
The host country organised the transporation and accomadation.All partners stayed in the same hotel to be in safe and to transport easily.Project team did its tasks completely.
TARGET GROUPS AND IMPACTS:We divided the participants into 9 sub-groups as direct participants and indirect,beneficiaries as we situated up detailedly.We have the different aims for the different target groups.Aims such as the innovative web tools ,creating loved classrooms and flipped classrooms,develpoing teaching skills and digital competence,raising the quality of instututional capacity,motivating the pupils and teachers,raising awareness of European culture,point of views and education,making people aware of Erasmus+ projects,promoting using foreign languages were carried successfuly out.
The bridge with other schools in Europe,supporting an exchange of teaching and learning materials and ideas was established.European partnership ensured the transnational education experiences.We built the teaching process upon transferable and innovative skills transnationally.
METHODOLOGY:We used reverse mentooring ,collobrative approaches ,project based learning,flipped classrooms and constructive approach,workshops and face to face interaction.We have learnt and taught the tools and sahared our products in mobilities and presented some technical knowledge about some topics and talked about how we applied and what we lived at our courses.
LTT:We had 3 mobilities with 6 participants having 4 or 5 activities including presentation of the tool and sharing examples and the planning of the next meeting.Each meeting will add some qualities that we determine as targets in the project.We groupped the activities including cultural values as academis,material creation,amusement,coding and augmented reality.the 1st step was to create trainning videoa for the users and the 2nd step was to experience them.
KEY PERSON:The participant in this project were solution-oriented,optimistic and innovative or a person developing good realtions among project team and school staff,having a strong communication skill and desire to take responsibility.
We could equip the pupils and teachers with the new age qualities for future by gaining the digital competences besides gaining international experience and a project based mind.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 54612 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y María Inmaculada