Art Has No Age Erasmus Project
General information for the Art Has No Age Erasmus Project
Project Title
Art Has No Age
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning; Creativity and culture
Project Summary
We have selected the appropriate learners for our Art Has No Age project. We have completed our project with talented, art loving, researcher, sharing, learners who are disadvantaged in art education open to innovations and new information.We have created a suitable studio environment for our learners. We bought various art materials and books for this studio.We bought sculptures like tors busts to make them draw in 3D. With the support of projection, internet and computer, we watched art history lessons, artist biographies and various art films. Apart from painting, we gave information about other kinds of visual art and organized workshops.We attended contemporary art history trainings organized by university teachers. We visited the Faculty of Fine Arts at Marmara University and the Fine Arts High School in Poggiardo. For quick sketches, photoshop programs were taught by smartphone or computer. We transferred various information on our website, facebook and instagram pages. At the same time, together, we have made art lessons step by step. We visited artists’ workshops for mobilities.
We met them and got detailed information about their work. We did art works together. We watched the works of all famous artists in various museums and galleries. We gave information about the important art techniques of each country. We visited many galleries and exhibitions in 2 years. We visited the Venice Biennial, which is the most important event for contemporary art.As a result of all the information provided, not only painting but also sculpture, ceramics, print and videoart, contemporary art works were done.We organized various exhibitions for the art works. For our project supporting contemporary art, we took a walk on Istiklal Street with our paintings. We organized an exhibition supporting dissemination, in the café. We participated in festivals held in the square. In Italy, we painted on the street in Poggiardo. Our Greek and Spanish partners also organized separate exhibitions. Several of the learners participated in a group exhibition in Bulgaria.They participated in various art contests. The students applied their works to a gallery to organize exhibitions by organizing a professional file. Ankara Mustafa Ayaz Museum approved the exhibition of the works in January 2020. The last project exhibition was held in Antik Cisterna in Istanbul with the works of all participants. The photographs of all the works were taken one by one and uploaded to sales sites such as Society and Saatchi. Thus, the reduction of financial disadvantages was supported. In exhibitions, some learners sold their work. At the end of the project, the students made contemporary art works. Their self-confidence increased with the exhibitions they organized, the artists they met and all other activities. They decided to establish a studio together for the next artworks.They continue to work, as well as organizing an exhibition, they aim to gain. It’s great to see they have such goals.
In adult education, it provided them with complete and meaningful learning for disadvantaged groups, bringing them together with learners from other cultures, making them work together, and bringing together important artworks and activities for art.We can see this clearly with the original works they have done and the changes in their perspectives on art. They began to see art as a way of life, not as a hobby.
We shared this project and our goals and the end of the project with other adult education institutions. And we have created awareness for them to give their learners more diverse and additional information. Our survey results and dissemination activities also support the success of our project.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 73865 Eur
Project Coordinator
Beyoglu Halk egitim Merkezi & Country: TR
Project Partners
- INGEFIEX – Asociación para la Innovación, Energía, Cultura y Deporte